Well my reply was not infuenced by the nationality of the OP.. I would have replied the same way no matter who posted the OP.. My basic answer was the CCP engages in anti-forigner propoganda to direct it's people frustrations and anger away from the CCP and towards forigners.. Lots of governements around the world have played the same game with their people when their economies are faltering or there is some kind of serious domestic contraversy happening in their nation..
Yeah, I understand. But I'm just thinking about the anonymity of the internet. People can say they are whatever they want you to believe. So a lot of lies get thrown around as truth. I know the guy says they're Chinese, but the content of their posts feel like race-baiting - like they're not actually Chinese but want you to think so and that they're racist. The aim is to get you to hate Chinese people.
I've seen this kind of posting on other forums before where one race will pretend to be a race they hate and then post really obnoxious stuff to get other people to hate that race. The end result is what Satan wants - division and hate among people.
So don't let this affect you that way. Yes, you have to be cautious about the Chinese government, but you also have to be cautious nowadays from most all governments because it appears they're trying to consolidate everything into a one-world government. In this respect, this is why Russia and China balks at the idea and this is why during the antichrist's reign, the kings of the north and the east are going to fight against him someday. And I honestly can't fault them for that.
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