Yes, there are reactions to the vaccine. Nobody denys that.
The rections to the virus are in compare to the vaccine more worse.
Thats why I cant understand your position. Also I cant understand that Christians spreading here lies and claime that more people died on the vaccine then on the virus.
There is no Single proof for that.
USA says to have 1.050.000 death because of the Virus. Show me the study that shows more then 1.050.000 death are because of the vaccine.
I know that in germany no study exists which tells that more people died because of the vaccine, then to the virus.
The rections to the virus are in compare to the vaccine more worse.
Thats why I cant understand your position. Also I cant understand that Christians spreading here lies and claime that more people died on the vaccine then on the virus.
There is no Single proof for that.
USA says to have 1.050.000 death because of the Virus. Show me the study that shows more then 1.050.000 death are because of the vaccine.
I know that in germany no study exists which tells that more people died because of the vaccine, then to the virus.
Now we have excellent therapeutic treatment for someone who gets Covid. I would say you take HCQ the minute you feel you coming down with something and you can continue drinking it as long as you are sick. If you continue to get worse you can take Ivermectin. If you still need to go to the hospital we have antibodies. There are very good treatments that put the survival rate well above 99.9%. If you are healthy and don't have comorbidities your chances of surviving Covid is over 99.99% So why are they pushing a vaccine that doesn't protect you, doesn't protect others, and has 50x as many adverse reactions that can be very serious?
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