Gary, I think some of the stuff you’re saying is a little strange. Even so, I have to say that I admire how you always respond to people politely😀.
"Well, I try to..."
There really is no good reason to be any other way.
I am not angry. I am not trying to cause or make trouble. I have no animosity towards anyone.
am "passionate" about the things I believe in. And, no-doubt it shows sometimes in the way I write my posts.
I say these things (the kinds of things that you are referring to)
because I care.
I know it sometimes doesn't seem to come across that way; nevertheless, it is true.
In a way, I am like [the main characters] in The Matrix - who are trying to 'awaken' those in the MATRIX - who do not understand the truth about the world they live in.
Even if others don't understand "where I am coming from" - they should at least try to understand that
why I am doing it actually has a very good intent behind it.
There are some on here that
I think are "out in left field somewhere" by some of the things they have posted.
But, I also realize that - in a very basic general way - they are doing their version of the same thing I am doing - and, having good intentions behind it -
even if I think they are "way off"...
They are people - just like me.
They may be "passionate" about the things they believe in - just like me.
I believe in the Golden Rule.
Shall I be a hypocrite?
God forbid.
I know how to disagree with what someone is saying - while actually liking the person who is saying it.
And, I know how to keep those things separate.
I don't have to agree with every single little thing they express to be able to like the-person-as-a-whole.
There are many such people on CC - I don't agree with everything I have ever seen them post - but, I like the person.
I could name off a list of people right now - who I agree with about one thing on one thread while at the same time disagree with them about something else on a different thread.
This is normal. People are different.
I am not likely to make blanket judgements about a person strictly based on a single thing they advocate.
Sure - there are some things on the level of 'heresy' that I will simply not ignore. But - think about this for a moment - how many people have you ever "won over" - about Christ or anything else - by "trashing" them?
If you really love them -
if you truly care - is that not what they need to see [coming from you]?
I am not suggesting that anyone be 'fake' in their expression - honesty is always best.
Which translates into "telling it like it is" (or, if you prefer, "like I see it") sometimes. But, even then, what I think or feel about
the person really hasn't changed.
You may find that many people on CC who are thought of as "strange" turn out to be okay folks once you get to know them a little better.
Also - I make no special claims about "special knowledge" - I am just a man - I am not some 'guru' on a mountain.
Any and all knowledge I claim to have is merely knowledge
that anyone may have - it is just that a lot of it happens to be "scarce" in the midst of the world population. (And, there is a reason for that.)
My lot in life seems to be warning others about the traps of Satan they have fallen into.
And, there are many.
Of course, I am not on CC strictly for this purpose. I would like to think that I could make some friends on here that did not just/only/strictly judge me by what I post that they don't understand and/or don't agree with - but, hopefully, they might see something else that they find worth their while - even, if only, to be friendly about.
In spite of what some people might sometimes think - there are other parts of me that should seem less "weird" (or whatever) - at least to those perceptive individuals who are paying attention...
Do you see the same 'personality' in all of my posts in all of the various forums where I have posted?
Why or why not?