Yeah, and all three retired a year after the moon landing. I mean the moon landing missions were still going on at the time, wouldn't it seem reasonable for them to give their expertise on the most dangerous mission for man. Their insight would be most valuable to other moon goers.....If they actually went.
My speculation is they couldn't look people in the eye in the office any more, and just wanted to disappear. They all seemed really quiet during the years after the mission, and some of their interviews (which are few) were quite suspect.
The possible situation: They were asked by high ranking officials to act this out for the United States Government, to give an edge to America, and put one over the Soviets. In the end, they would be looked at as heros, and be given a nice retirement package. They looked at their options, and agreed. That's how I see it playing out. They probably all wanted to hide under a rock, after being asked questions by the skeptics. They probably aren't fans of Bill Kaysing.