I don't give much credence to anything Ken Hagin said.
I’ve got my opinion of him aside from the popularity of his many accomplishments. So, what was it that set Kenneth Hagin long ‘distinguished’ career apart from his peers, the rest of Pentecostal instructors? He exhibited evidence of supply beyond.
Supply of Wealth
One curiously enough, he had a track record of being ready to distribute funds when needed. Back in the day of his travels, he became known for restoring failing businesses when faced with closure while also he himself experiencing interspersed lack on occasion. But his testimony was that to offset this, in prayer, he would call those ‘’
ministering spirits’’ to go forth, return and meet certain financial needs which happened with much success. How much? I have no idea, but still cause for curiousness.
’’Laugh or Fall’’
K.H.Sr. would often tell the listener what the Lord told him as he passed through the congregation/audience, if he touches or waves his hand, the Lord said ‘’they will either laugh or fall’’. This can be seen on several YouTube videos, after a message, he would descend from the stage and walk among the audience, combing the isles while citing his favorite verse:
‘’When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing, ,’’ (Psalm 126:1,2)
Over the years, this has produced a either one or the other, a whirlwind of attacks, or strong following; each stating either ‘’demon possession’’ or ‘’anointing of the Holy Ghost’’.
The problems with Kenneth Hagin Sr. as I see it.
Laid hands on men suddenly. (1Timothy 5:22)
Did not forbid mass tongues. (1Corinthians 5:23,14:27-28)
Did not forbid acts of mass disorderliness (although most ushers remained immune?). (1Corinthians 14:40)
Kenneth E. Hagin - sampler