My understanding is that the judgement on the US has been given and it is already being executed.
1. The country will be divided, that includes secession of many states, and it includes a physical division of the US splitting the country in half with a great earthquake.
2. We will have a horrendous attack on the major coastal cities. This attack will separate the US from its wealth and power.
3. During the tribulation which is very near the water will be turned to blood and that will kill a great number of people worldwide, maybe hundreds of millions. I believe this will be due to a microbe that has already been released into the water. It is growing exponentially, but since it is very tiny no one notices it yet. But once they do notice it the water will become blood everywhere very quickly.
4. I think that Trump is playing a role in carrying out God's judgement, but he has nothing to do with salvation. There is only one name given by which we can be saved. Yes, I am thankful for all they are doing to expose the wickedness, yes I am praying for them, but my focus is on the Lord and what the Lord is doing.