We The People Are Making Our Last Stand Against Evil! - On The Fringe
Wednesday, July 6, 2022 16:48
The stand we are all making begins with each one of us. The deep state is keeping their attack moving forward and will not quit. The only way for us, is to help awake the masses and demonstrate our numbers. Our numbers will make the remaining sheep feel safe to join us and it will demonstrate to the deep state how they are running out of time and space. Time to STAND UP!!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2022 16:48

The stand we are all making begins with each one of us. The deep state is keeping their attack moving forward and will not quit. The only way for us, is to help awake the masses and demonstrate our numbers. Our numbers will make the remaining sheep feel safe to join us and it will demonstrate to the deep state how they are running out of time and space. Time to STAND UP!!!