just a quick reality break- the deep state is in firm control, trump will never be president again [ he was supposed to be back this month, that went away, just like all the other Q nonsense], mike lindell's conference was a big flop, nothing will happen from it.
ironically , the biggest set back for the deep state has been the taliban taking back the opium fields. not our gen. milley led woke american military....
At least you are consistent in your steadfast opinions...
Which is also consistent with exactly what the victims of the DS PsyOp are designed to say and believe...

Pay no attention to the overwhelming evidence of the Covert Operations and all the Conspiracies that have been proven (which are no longer dismissive Theories)...
The movie that is playing out before our eyes is very similar to the Dark Force Evil Empire vs the Good Force from within the underground Revolution in Star Wars...
Oh we of little Faith...
And for anybody that has followed the Cyber Symposium and anticipated after math can tell you...
Trump won... so he has actually never left... He is overseeing the Covert Shadow Government that is orchestrating the Q+ Plan that the DS has brainwashed you into dismissing without even bothering to diligently examining and connecting all the dots that are being posted by so many Faithful, Christian Patriot Truthers here and around the world...
Not to worry, the Truth will set you free and everyone else who are not immune to DS mind control...
Praying for all of you...
Maybe we need another straw poll to see who the true believers are vs are not...