Con Inc and the Red Pilled Antifa
Part 5: The Architects of Chaos
Elizabeth The Punisher Dove
Mar 10
If this reads like something between a spy novel and a murder mystery, it is because it is. It was the attempted death of MAGA. In Part 1 of this series, I have shown you how infiltration is achieved. In Part 2, I have shown you the major groups and their actions within the movement. It Part 3, I have shown you the individuals and how they are all connected. In Part 4, I have shown you the possible motivations behind these actions.
What I haven't shown you is who has access to these resources I outlined in Part 1 and what their connection to a single individual is. If this was indeed a murder mystery novel, I would have to show motive, means, and opportunity, right? So, let's finish up the means part of this series.
If you haven't read Parts 1-4 of this substack series, I suggest you do so before proceeding with this article.
Part 1: Disinformation and Chaos for Hire
Part 2: Agents of Chaos and the Rabbit Hole That Led Me To Them
Part 3: Connections of Chaos and The Red Pilled Antifa
Part 4: Con Inc and Money for Chaos
I am going to preface this by saying it goes against my personal ethics to dox anyone. While those who I talk about in this series may or may not engage in such practices, I am not them. I will stand by my personal ethics and principles. Therefore, I will be blurring out names and images except for those who are public figures or from images which are made available through very public forums. If you wish to look this information up, then that is your choice. I will tell you where I found information, but I will not be mentioning any names.
Part 5: The Architects of Chaos

Elizabeth The Punisher Dove
Mar 10

If this reads like something between a spy novel and a murder mystery, it is because it is. It was the attempted death of MAGA. In Part 1 of this series, I have shown you how infiltration is achieved. In Part 2, I have shown you the major groups and their actions within the movement. It Part 3, I have shown you the individuals and how they are all connected. In Part 4, I have shown you the possible motivations behind these actions.
What I haven't shown you is who has access to these resources I outlined in Part 1 and what their connection to a single individual is. If this was indeed a murder mystery novel, I would have to show motive, means, and opportunity, right? So, let's finish up the means part of this series.
If you haven't read Parts 1-4 of this substack series, I suggest you do so before proceeding with this article.
Part 1: Disinformation and Chaos for Hire
Part 2: Agents of Chaos and the Rabbit Hole That Led Me To Them
Part 3: Connections of Chaos and The Red Pilled Antifa
Part 4: Con Inc and Money for Chaos
I am going to preface this by saying it goes against my personal ethics to dox anyone. While those who I talk about in this series may or may not engage in such practices, I am not them. I will stand by my personal ethics and principles. Therefore, I will be blurring out names and images except for those who are public figures or from images which are made available through very public forums. If you wish to look this information up, then that is your choice. I will tell you where I found information, but I will not be mentioning any names.