Q for Dummies - Chapter 16
Drop #111
Paul Fleuret
Aug 03, 2024
"The Badlands ‘Q for Dummies’ series attempts to ‘dumb down’ one of the most significant open-source intelligence drops of all time, which is partly responsible for triggering the period many refer to as ‘The Great Awakening.’ The series is intended for both newcomers and those looking for a fun review. Start with Chapter 1.
Hello and welcome to Chapter 16 of Q For Dummies! As always, allow me to thank all of you so very much for your continued support!
Whew. Holy shit. What an absolutely batshit insane period of time it has been since Chapter 15. To say there is no shortage of news to talk about would be a massive understatement. From Biden dropping out to the Trump assassination attempt, and even the complete shitshow of a narrative put forth by the Secret Service. Amongst all of that, Kamala has been propped up as the de-facto Democrat Nominee against the will and voice of her party, and to this point, her campaign looks just as listless and even more pathetic in its virtue signaling and gas-lighting than Uncle Joe’s campaign was in 2020.
Before I steer my attention towards today’s chapter, I want to take a moment to discuss two pretty big (and significant) habbenings, which just so happened to smack the bejeebus out of the board.
The first—and obviously the elephant in the room—is the assassination attempt. By now, I am sure most of you have seen how this actually hit the Q board, but I want to take a moment to give my thoughts on it.
First, let’s take a look at this iconic moment, which will forever be burned into American history and lore:
(see linked videos)
Not only did it hit the “fight, fight, fight” comms, but, what color carpet was he on? Red. What was found after the attempt? A van belonging to Matthew Crooks, which apparently had homemade bombs in it.
What do I make of this?
Well, I’m not sure. But, for now, I tend to lean towards the belief that we may have witnessed Divine Intervention firsthand. I believe Looking Glass is at play, as well. But, to be honest … that topic is better left for another chapter, and since it is something that Q mentions, I will save it for then.
If you haven’t seen it yet, have a peek at this Pastor detailing a vision he had back in April: (see linked videos)
To add on to the Divine element, someone in the crowd caught the following footage shortly before the rally began:
(see linked videos)
What’s interesting to me is how he mentioned that President Trump would basically become “on fire” for Jesus Christ. And to this point, Trump has definitely talked more about God than he usually does since the failed attempt on his life.
All of those comments are post attempt, which kind of lines up with what the pastor saw in his vision.
Not only that, but Trump Truthed these yesterday, as well: (see linked videos)
So, I’m not quite sure what to make of all of it just yet, but my gut tends to lead me into believing that God intervened. Who knows?
I also don’t dismiss the notion that all of it could have been an op to wake people up en masse and begin tearing away at the decades long scab that has covered up the truth of various alphabet agency-led assassinations over the years. I honestly don’t know, and because of that, I dismiss nothing—from God saving Trump from a black hat plan, all the way up to and including the possibility that this was an op.
For now, I lean towards the former.
Before I move on to the next topic, I want to look at one more thing that points towards the spiritual war we are in, and also smacks the board pretty hard.
In case you missed it, have a look at the prayer that led off night four of the RNC: (see linked videos)
Pretty much a bang-on ringer for Drop #109.
(Take note: This drop is from November 5th, 2017.) - see post figure St Michael the Arch Angel - Defend us in Battle!!!
As Q said … “Amen brother”.
Moving along: Another major story that came to pass, and has ended up becoming a fairly major Q-Proof is Uncle Joe dropping out of the race.
Well, lookie there. “Change of batter”.
I’m sure it’s a coincidence…
What is even more interesting about this drop is that it mentions COVID, which was kind of the catalyst for Joe’s exit. Beyond that, it is looking more and more like Kamala Harris is going to be challenged at the DNC, and if the nominee ends up becoming HRC, then this drop is going to become arguably the biggest Q-Proof in history.
Speaking of Kamala, what kind of person would I be if I didn’t share my personal favorite moment from the past week—that being Judge Joe Brown referring to Kamala as a “piece of shit” and an “old hoe”.
Enjoy!..." etc etc etc... there is more - check out the link!!!
Drop #111

Paul Fleuret
Aug 03, 2024

"The Badlands ‘Q for Dummies’ series attempts to ‘dumb down’ one of the most significant open-source intelligence drops of all time, which is partly responsible for triggering the period many refer to as ‘The Great Awakening.’ The series is intended for both newcomers and those looking for a fun review. Start with Chapter 1.
Hello and welcome to Chapter 16 of Q For Dummies! As always, allow me to thank all of you so very much for your continued support!
Whew. Holy shit. What an absolutely batshit insane period of time it has been since Chapter 15. To say there is no shortage of news to talk about would be a massive understatement. From Biden dropping out to the Trump assassination attempt, and even the complete shitshow of a narrative put forth by the Secret Service. Amongst all of that, Kamala has been propped up as the de-facto Democrat Nominee against the will and voice of her party, and to this point, her campaign looks just as listless and even more pathetic in its virtue signaling and gas-lighting than Uncle Joe’s campaign was in 2020.
Before I steer my attention towards today’s chapter, I want to take a moment to discuss two pretty big (and significant) habbenings, which just so happened to smack the bejeebus out of the board.
The first—and obviously the elephant in the room—is the assassination attempt. By now, I am sure most of you have seen how this actually hit the Q board, but I want to take a moment to give my thoughts on it.
First, let’s take a look at this iconic moment, which will forever be burned into American history and lore:
(see linked videos)
Not only did it hit the “fight, fight, fight” comms, but, what color carpet was he on? Red. What was found after the attempt? A van belonging to Matthew Crooks, which apparently had homemade bombs in it.
What do I make of this?
Well, I’m not sure. But, for now, I tend to lean towards the belief that we may have witnessed Divine Intervention firsthand. I believe Looking Glass is at play, as well. But, to be honest … that topic is better left for another chapter, and since it is something that Q mentions, I will save it for then.
If you haven’t seen it yet, have a peek at this Pastor detailing a vision he had back in April: (see linked videos)
To add on to the Divine element, someone in the crowd caught the following footage shortly before the rally began:
(see linked videos)
What’s interesting to me is how he mentioned that President Trump would basically become “on fire” for Jesus Christ. And to this point, Trump has definitely talked more about God than he usually does since the failed attempt on his life.
All of those comments are post attempt, which kind of lines up with what the pastor saw in his vision.
Not only that, but Trump Truthed these yesterday, as well: (see linked videos)
So, I’m not quite sure what to make of all of it just yet, but my gut tends to lead me into believing that God intervened. Who knows?
I also don’t dismiss the notion that all of it could have been an op to wake people up en masse and begin tearing away at the decades long scab that has covered up the truth of various alphabet agency-led assassinations over the years. I honestly don’t know, and because of that, I dismiss nothing—from God saving Trump from a black hat plan, all the way up to and including the possibility that this was an op.
For now, I lean towards the former.
Before I move on to the next topic, I want to look at one more thing that points towards the spiritual war we are in, and also smacks the board pretty hard.
In case you missed it, have a look at the prayer that led off night four of the RNC: (see linked videos)
Pretty much a bang-on ringer for Drop #109.
(Take note: This drop is from November 5th, 2017.) - see post figure St Michael the Arch Angel - Defend us in Battle!!!
As Q said … “Amen brother”.
Moving along: Another major story that came to pass, and has ended up becoming a fairly major Q-Proof is Uncle Joe dropping out of the race.
Well, lookie there. “Change of batter”.
I’m sure it’s a coincidence…
What is even more interesting about this drop is that it mentions COVID, which was kind of the catalyst for Joe’s exit. Beyond that, it is looking more and more like Kamala Harris is going to be challenged at the DNC, and if the nominee ends up becoming HRC, then this drop is going to become arguably the biggest Q-Proof in history.
Speaking of Kamala, what kind of person would I be if I didn’t share my personal favorite moment from the past week—that being Judge Joe Brown referring to Kamala as a “piece of shit” and an “old hoe”.
Enjoy!..." etc etc etc... there is more - check out the link!!!