Of course, no doubt those are their very likely PLANS...
although just my humble opinion - I feel very confident - based upon the consistent TREND in everything the DS LEFT attempts literally FAILS and BACKFIRES and the White Hats continue to have COUNTER-MOVES in place for all the remaining dirty little trick CHEATING PLANs of the DS...
- The Arizona Audit - was done on purpose for Our (Patriots) Optics to Illustrate a Blue Print for how ELECTIONS should be conducted LEGALLY and PROPERLY and how Audits should be conducted... The depths of the Audit demonstrated that ALL IRREGULARITIES can in-fact be TRACED...
- The Movie "2000 Mules" was similarly conducted for Our (Patriots) Optics to Illustrate that the White Hats absolutely have the requisite Technology to to ensure FAIR PLAY...
- Of course Draining the DS Swamp's at the State Precinct Level will ultimately be NECESSARY in order to ENSURE Legal, Fair and Proper elections...
- All that being SAID - we are still in the "STING PHASE of this OPERATION"!!!
- I do believe that similar to the 2020 Stolen Election (not enough folks were awake at that time to avoid a CIVIL WAR) - I am of the mind that the WHITE HATS would love for the DS to take the BAIT to attempt to STEAL the ELECTION!!!
- Part of the Sting Op is that the majority of States - thanks to Trumps Admin - NOW have strategically placed Trump Appointed State Supreme Court Justices...

early indications and warning - that the White Hats fully intend to adhere to the RULE of LAW...
- That being said - indications are that the DS might NOT take the BAIT to steal the election - as they too see the "TOO BIG TO RIG" Plan my infact be too much for them to risk...
- Indications are that their actual MOVE might be to allow Trump to WIN the Election - BUT to attempt to turn the TABLES and attempt to RAISE the issue (they are planting seeds now) of a RUSSIAN INFLUENCE in the ELECTION to resist a PEACEFUL Transfer of Power...
- The DS will attempt to instigate Civil Unrest and Civil War... They may even be the ones to call for Martial Law....
- ONLY this TOO WILL FAIL!!! As the Military will implement the LAW of WAR Manual in accordance with the Trump Admin Exec Order - for the Insurrection Act - where by the actual VIOLATORS of the INSURRECTION ACT are the DS LEFT...
- Recall the Supreme Court tilts toward the PATRIOTS Constitutional Conservatives Favor!!!
- AS A RESULT the Military who implement MARTIAL LAW will be on the side of the White Hats...
- Make sure you have plenty of Popcorn along with your emergency supplies...
- I hypothesize that it will take several months to unravel and years to completely drain the DS swamp across the country... as well as internationally...