I want you to consider what will happen if they live stream inside Fort Knox and reveal that the gold is missing. This will further the flight to safety, pushing the price of gold up. Recently about 300+ billion worth of gold was purchased and taken possession of from the exchanges. This is why London now says it can be a 1-2 month delay in getting gold. If Trump reveals that the gold is gone there will be a panic, the price of gold will spike. Theoretically if all the gold in the world were to be the basis of a currency gold could rise 100x, but realistically a 3x to even 10x spike is probably the most you will see with gold (silver could have a higher spike).
Now consider this, who can take possession of $300 billion worth of gold? You have to have a massive vault. Many think the only ones that would be permitted to do this would be the Fed and the US government.
So now imagine if that $300 billion were to spike in price to $1 trillion (remember exposing missing gold at Fort Knox would help the price of gold spike while also causing the value of the US dollar to drop. It would be a double whammy. But then the US government could simply exchange that gold for $1 trillion in US debt. When you dump all that gold back onto the exchange you will see the price of gold drop.
If you don't understand what I am saying it is this, Trump is in the perfect position to manipulate the gold and silver markets. He could do this in order to pay off US debt. But there is even another more nefarious reason. If gold were to spike 3x then the BRICS currency will also spike 3x and that will make it very difficult if not impossible for BRICS nations to export to non BRICS countries.
Likewise, if the value of BRICS is going up and down like a yoyo, up 3x, back down, back up, then no one will do business with BRICS nations, you can't write out contracts in a currency that is that volatile.
This may sound like a brilliant idea in how to pay off US debt while keeping the US dollar as king, but the downside is the rest of the world, both the BRICS nations and non BRICS nations will hate and despise the US for this. If people didn't like the Hunt brothers they really won't like the US.