Of course, he is laying out what they get which is the cancelling of government programs they don't want. The problem is they don't see what the cost is going to be. You have a tech oligarch whose main job is to make AI and robots to replace human workers and he is able to see every single job in the federal government and begin the takeover. They can get AI and robots doing 20% of the work without anyone complaining and by the end of the year that can rise to 40%. Before 2026 is over I would not be surprised if 80% of federal government jobs are done by AI and robots. These jobs are ideal for AI and robots. These jobs are not creative, rather they have well defined rules they must follow.
Also the jobs done by the federal government are similar if not the same as the jobs done by city and state government, so using the Federal government to showcase what they can do will be a great selling point for other governments to help balance their budgets.
I would think the sales to Fortune 500 companies and the Federal government will be the leading wave with City and State governments being the second wave.
That email was huge, give me the five most important things you did last week. If AI and robots could do one of them then that is 20% reduction, if it can do two of them and the other two it is almost there then that is 40% reduction this year and 80% reduction over two years.
If he keeps sharing stuff like this, he's going to get himself laid out. Like I was saying; this is something a low-level troll says to get people thinking- not something for the WH staff to say- they're already supposed to be thinking on a higher level, and explaining things to people, not deliberately offending people.
So, it's true that Hitler was not solely responsible for the holocaust. One could almost argue that he was goaded into supporting it- it wasn't his idea; rather it came from the likes of Goebbels and Himmler. Hitler didn't flip the switch or pull the trigger- he put his signature on a piece of paper. Without the men of the SS; nothing like the Holocaust could have ever happened.
But the reality is; the SS were never actual public servants. It began as a volunteer group to be Hitler's personal goon-squad; and then Hitler installed them into the German government as basically an intelligence agency; but with stupid amounts of influence over other government agencies.... one could fairly compare DOGE to the SS in that regard.
But here I am; the low-level troll, explaining the trolling shared by high-level government advisors who should be busy actually solving problems.... does that make sense? Obviously not.
Oh Boy...
I have to confess... both of these posts certainly stretch the imagination to the nth degree...
I strive to never give anyone too much credit - than they deserve (for good or bad) unless I can substantiate or stand upon my assumptions as defensible... Otherwise such assertions tend to creep into opinion and conjecture only causing fear and confusion or at best unfounded hypotheses or at worst simple logical fallacies... (for example see: ad hominem, red herring, straw man, equivocation, slippery slope, hasty generalization, appeal to authority, false dilemma, bandwagon fallacy, circular argument, causal fallacy, etc etc...)
The official DOGE website does have a real time tracker - that is tracking all the excess government spending and associated/projected savings...
DOGE Cost Tracking Clocks
The D.O.G.E. Clock has been integrated into the U.S. Debt Clock, now live and tracking savings in real time.
While I do believe that DOGE will find PLENTY of Government Savings... IMHO your estimates are both way too steep (too much by 2022); and based upon very general prism... DOGE is only going to be around for 18 months...
IMHO DOGE will focus upon the big picture Waste Fraud and Abuse (& Corruption) within this limited time... There roles/job is to address the BIG MUSCLE Movement Fixes for towards Efficiency... It is NOT their job to do the devil in the details work for each respective Agency... They will certainly make recommendations - but it is unrealistic that the small DOGE team will take it upon themselves to overhaul 80% of the Government... It is ultimately the role of each Agency to provide plans for efficiency for after the dust settles... Most of the Agencies will be in a state of turmoil for several months after DOGE is down eliminating waste, fraud and abuse... Each Agency will require months to reassess their priorities and how they wish to re-organize to become more efficient, useful and relevant Agencies within our Government...
As someone who keeps a direct pulse upon the Implementation of AI within the USMC and DoD... Yes, there are lots of trivial 'records' keeping jobs that can be replaced with autonomy/technology... but there are far too many jobs that call for human SME roles and responsibilities...
Yes, while we are making substantive of advances in limited domains in the areas of warfighter applications... We are a long way away from providing the requisite Governance and Confidence to ensure secure, understandable and trustworthy solutions to mitigate risk of bad things happening...
in the case of Musk and DOGE and the reference(s) to the Hitler analogies here - I am not tracking the correlation...
Maybe the Hitler reference is better suited for the DS Globalist Agenda for AI to replace humanity...
Musk is out to even the score with the DS who took his son via their Mind Virus, he is also one of the AI leaders that had 33K like minded experts to sign a Moratorium to take a pause on AI and Advancement as a means to ensure that the DS does NOT win the race for the future control of AI as a means to save all of humanity...
TRANSCRIPT: AI And The Future Of Humanity – Yuval Noah Harari