Here is a Relative Timeline Comparison for the AMOUNT of TIME that it takes to Restore Liberty in a Republic... Doesn't just happen over night... In reality it calls for a remarkable alignment of the Stars and Moon in HIS RELATIVE TIME...
Seek Faith in lieu of Impatience...
Christian Patriot News, [1/26/2022 9:09 PM]
[Forwarded from Seth Keshel]
For those who asked for a typed up version of the time graph above:
3/5/1770: Boston Massacre
Next two years: growing mandates, control, tyranny, marginalization, labels, resentment
6/9/1772: HMS Gaspee torched in Rhode Island
5/10/1773: Tea Act signed
12/16/1773: Boston Tea Party
3-6/1774: Intolerable Acts passed by Parliament to further control colonies
9/1774: Colonists impose sanctions against Britain
2/9/1775: British blockade Massachusetts colony
4/19/1775: First shots of American Revolution
6/17/1775: Bunker Hill (Loss)
7/4/1776: Dec. of Independence signed
8/27/1776: Washington defeated at Long Island, nearly destroyed
10/1776: British achieve major military victories in NY
12/25/1776: Washington crosses Delaware and defeats British and Hessians
1777: British win 2/3 of all battles
Winter 1777-78: Washington camped at Valley Forge
1778: British win 4/5 of all battles
1779: British win only 50% of all battles
1780: British wearing down, back and forth battle results. Patriots lose SC but defend NC from invasion.
1781: Patriots winning key battles.
10/19/1781: General Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown.
1782: British wearing down from financial crisis, lack of support for overseas war (sound familiar?), domestic and continental issues.
12/27/1782: Last battle fought on US soil in Revolution.
9/3/1783: Treaty of Paris, US independence Recognized.
On the other timeline, beginning 11/3/2020:
11/4/2020 - present - FIX 2020 MOVEMENT
1/20/2021- present - growing mandates, control, tyranny, marginalization, labels, resentment
Fourth Turning.
Seek Faith in lieu of Impatience...

Christian Patriot News, [1/26/2022 9:09 PM]
[Forwarded from Seth Keshel]
For those who asked for a typed up version of the time graph above:
3/5/1770: Boston Massacre
Next two years: growing mandates, control, tyranny, marginalization, labels, resentment
6/9/1772: HMS Gaspee torched in Rhode Island
5/10/1773: Tea Act signed
12/16/1773: Boston Tea Party
3-6/1774: Intolerable Acts passed by Parliament to further control colonies
9/1774: Colonists impose sanctions against Britain
2/9/1775: British blockade Massachusetts colony
4/19/1775: First shots of American Revolution
6/17/1775: Bunker Hill (Loss)
7/4/1776: Dec. of Independence signed
8/27/1776: Washington defeated at Long Island, nearly destroyed
10/1776: British achieve major military victories in NY
12/25/1776: Washington crosses Delaware and defeats British and Hessians
1777: British win 2/3 of all battles
Winter 1777-78: Washington camped at Valley Forge
1778: British win 4/5 of all battles
1779: British win only 50% of all battles
1780: British wearing down, back and forth battle results. Patriots lose SC but defend NC from invasion.
1781: Patriots winning key battles.
10/19/1781: General Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown.
1782: British wearing down from financial crisis, lack of support for overseas war (sound familiar?), domestic and continental issues.
12/27/1782: Last battle fought on US soil in Revolution.
9/3/1783: Treaty of Paris, US independence Recognized.
On the other timeline, beginning 11/3/2020:
11/4/2020 - present - FIX 2020 MOVEMENT
1/20/2021- present - growing mandates, control, tyranny, marginalization, labels, resentment
Fourth Turning.