I am telling it like I see it. You can believe that or you do not have to - it is your choice.
No - it is easy to believe that the earth is a globe.
Most Ball Earth folks do not look - they just believe what they are told...
Since we were all taught it from birth - I would never criticize someone simply for believing that the earth is a spinning ball flying through space.
Well - I think they were wrong for telling you that you were going to hell for stating your particular belief regarding the shape of the earth.
But, of course.
I know that the earth is a globe. I know that 2 + 2= 4. If you can prove that 2 + 2 does not equal 4, then I will reconsider. And then I will once more say that the earth is a globe. Why so dogmatic? Simply because the earth is, in fact, a globe. My military experience, the 4 countries I have lived in, sea and air travel, physics, visual observance etc. proves it. Yes, most people accept that the earth is a globe. I never even thought about it being flat until the subject was raised on the forum. When I stopped laughing, I realised that some really believe the earth is flat. So I looked into it myself.
Some FE arguments are so dumb that I have to wonder about the mental capacity of the proponent. For example, that the earth rotating at 1,000 mph is a problem. Or the arguments that gravity does not exist.
Christian Flerfer's dispute the eye witness accounts of millions of people. Yet they accept the eye witness accounts of people from 2,000 years ago. There is more evidence for the globe earth than for the existence of Jesus. I have no problem believing that Jesus is a historical figure. I have equal assurance that the earth is a globe.