I have posted a thread in Bible discussions:
Is the rapture going to be four days after this Pope dies?
This is simply an interpretation of scripture. Though the Prophesy of the Pope's from Saint Malachi could certainly be used as well, I prefer to focus on the Bible as the more sure word of prophesy.
Is the rapture going to be four days after this Pope dies?
This is simply an interpretation of scripture. Though the Prophesy of the Pope's from Saint Malachi could certainly be used as well, I prefer to focus on the Bible as the more sure word of prophesy.
Here is a short summary:
John 5 is referring to Purim. This can be discerned because in John 6 it says after these things Passover was nigh and John 5 says that it was a feast of the Jews but doesn't identify it. All the other feasts of the Jews are identified in John. In this chapter the Lord very clearly refers to the rapture as the time the dead in the graves hear His voice and will come out of their graves and that people will marvel.
Judges 16 -- Samson pushing out the pillars and causing the entire temple to Baal to collapse is a picture of the rapture of the church, the pillar and base of the truth. This takes place on a great sacrifice to Dagon. The worship of Dagon can be tied to the Catholic church because the priests of Dagon wear the same hat that the Pope wears revealing that the Pope is a priest of Dagon.
1 Kings 18 -- Elijah calls down fire from heaven to clear up the confusion between the worship of Baal and the worship of the one true God. When this takes place everyone falls on their face before the one true God that Elijah was preaching and they kill the prophets of Baal who were deceiving the people. This is a picture of the rapture and God judging the apostate pastors afterwards. This tells us two things. First, God calls this assembly. It is not a pagan holiday. Second, 400 prophets of Baal are there and 450 prophets that eat at the table of Jezebel were there. This cannot be Christmas or Easter because all these religious leaders would be with their own congregations. I think the prophets of Baal refer to the Catholic leaders (Bishops, Cardinals, etc) and the 450 prophets that eat at Jezebel's table refer to Denominational Christian leaders who have FreeMasons on their board of directors. This brings the great sacrifice to Dagon into focus, what event of the Catholic church would bring all their religious leaders to one place along with Denominational Christianity? I can think of two possible events: a conference on an Ecumenical plan and the funeral of a Pope. However, only one of those could be described as God calling the assembly. When people die we commonly say "God called them home". This story also tells us something quite amazing, which is that Elisha will only get a double portion of the Spirit if he sees Elijah being caught up. The double portion of the Spirit refers to the miracles that will take place during the tribulation and Elisha represents the tribulation saints. This shows how important it is for everyone to see this. A funeral of the Pope would be live streamed and on video. Imagine it takes place at the same time as the rapture and while people all over the world are taken everyone can see that none of these religious leaders are caught up. The Bible says "if it is possible" Satan will even deceive the elect. Why isn't it possible? Not because of us, but because of God. He will make sure we all can see the apostasy is false and the ministry of Elijah is true. Now consider what the Lord said in John 5, the hour is coming when the dead in the grave will hear His voice and come out. But everyone can see that the Pope who is in the grave did not come out.
John 11 -- Now go to Jesus raising Lazarus from the tomb. This takes place before Passover, just as John 5 is talking about a feast of the Jews before Passover. Lazarus means the servant of God, it is the Greek version of the servant who went and got Rebekah and brought her to Isaac. Jesus comes when he has been in the tomb four days. I believe this is a two edged sword. On the one hand four days to God is 4,000 years. Lazarus represents all the people of faith who have died since Abraham. On the other hand they will have a funeral for a Pope 4 days after they die. So just like the story of Elijah we have two sacrifices on the mountain, The Catholics have their sacrifice to Dagon and Elijah has his sacrifice to the one true God.
Joel 2:23 says that God will give us the former and latter rain. The former rain should refer to the Spirit being poured out on Pentecost, the Latter rain should refer to the Spirit being poured out on the tribulation saints after the rapture. The former rain took place 50 days after Jesus ascended. That is the normal time for the former rain. The latter rain refers to rain in the early spring. We are told this Latter rain will take place in the first month, ie Nisan. So the only feast of the Lord (John 5) within 50 days of the first month is Purim.
Palm Sunday -- in Matthew it says a "great multitude", in John it says "much people" and in Luke it says "the whole multitude of His disciples" and in Mark it says "they that followed". There is a progression here: Luke is to those raptured before the tribulation and those who will be cheering this event is His disciples. Mark is to the tribulation saints, those believers who are not ready to be taken until after the rapture. They are those that follow. Matthew is to the Jews who are saved as a nation and it will include a great multitude. John is a summary of all three and it is "much people". The point being that this event takes place shortly after the rapture.
Proverbs 7:20 says that the good man of the house returns on the appointed day. The word means both full moon and an appointed day of the Jews. There are only four appointed days of the Jews that take place on a full moon: Passover, the 15th of Av (sort of -- actually the day after), Feast of Tabernacles (sort of -- actually the day after) and Purim. You cannot see the rapture on Passover, you could see it on the feast of first first fruits, but that is three days later. You definitely can see the rapture on the 15th of Av because they come out of the tombs, but again it is actually the day after the full moon. No one can imagine that the Feast of Tabernacles is when the rapture before the tribulation would take place. That is the culmination of everything, not the start, but the completion. But Purim does give us a picture. We see Esther and Mordecai lifted up and honored, that is the rapture, we see the Jews who are left gather together to make a stand for the Lord, that is the tribulation saints, and we see Haman and his collaborators hung on the gallows (that is the judgement on those of the world, those of the flesh, and those of the apostasy).
Joel 2:31 The sun shall be darkened and the moon turn to blood before that great and notable day. It would be very involved to go into detail on this. However, I believe the Sun being darkened refers to the writing on the Wall sign where we saw three solar eclipses traverse the United States in a remarkable sign of the coming judgment. Then we discover an amazing symmetry in the heavens with a time line that has divided the heavens. The blood moon on this Purim (March 13th, 2025) is the first blood moon on this side of that timeline. According to Daniel 5 the night after Daniel interprets the Writing on the Wall sign we see the fall of Babylon. I believe this night is a reference to the period from the fall equinox to the spring equinox as one day at the North pole = 1 year and the night begins and ends at those two equinoxes. In Daniel 4 we are told that Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of the tribulation coming on Babylon and it says 12 months later this happened. It has been 12 months since the last solar eclipse of the Writing on the Wall sign.