Here is a very good detailed explanation from Alan Watts. It can be listened to in segments. He is quite a historian and provides practical perspectives that blow away college professors. He describes the Uber wealthy families that Satan has used to manipulate mankind, how they achieve it and where they want to take us. Very interesting.
How do they get away with programming the nations?
Who exactly are "they?"
Here is a very good detailed explanation from Alan Watts. It can be listened to in segments. He is quite a historian and provides practical perspectives that blow away college professors.
You have a good perspective on the manipulation techniques used. I will post Alan Watts informal lecture on this if you want to watch or give feedback yea or nea.
Alan Watts
How do they get away with programming the nations?
Who exactly are "they?"
Here is a very good detailed explanation from Alan Watts. It can be listened to in segments. He is quite a historian and provides practical perspectives that blow away college professors.
You have a good perspective on the manipulation techniques used. I will post Alan Watts informal lecture on this if you want to watch or give feedback yea or nea.
Alan Watts
As a freshman in college I came in contact with a church that took up all my free time. We had meetings Wed, Fri, Sat all day, and Sunday all day. You can't cut off TV without replacing it with something else. Those meetings were key for me. Then in order to learn how to think critically you need to read the bible and study it. That is the single best way. Since that time for almost the entire 40 years following it I have not had TV.
I have always felt that the founding fathers were remarkably intelligent deep thinkers. I thought Shakespeare was also remarkable as was Charles Dickens. But these guys pale compared to Paul and the Bible. The Bible is not simply better, it is on a much higher plane, it is astoundingly good compared to some of the great writers and thinkers of the last two thousand years.
What people fail to see is that this mysterious "they" is not any of the people he referenced. There is a spirit that operates in the sons of disobedience. In your own strength and your own mind you can't win. This is why the FreeMasons have white and black squares. The white squares do just as much as the black squares to advance Satan's agenda.
However, if you have the truth and the light and you are trained by the Lord Jesus, the incarnated word of God, then two can chase a thousand. The weakness, the fundamental flaw of Satan's kingdom, his achilles heel is that he turns 99% of the people into mindless drones who are "useful idiots". It's like one of those absurd hollywood movies where the good guy can kill a hundred bad guys.
That is when the lights go on. If you can win one person to the Lord it can have a huge impact. That is our mission. This world will be judged by Jesus, we don't need to worry about that. For example this "red wave" coming next week, that may bring judgement on some crooks, but it won't bring salvation to anyone. Satan doesn't care if crooks go to jail, or if Epstein commits suicide. The only thing he cares about is if people get saved and converted.
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