My post said my neighbor is a he, not a she. 😊
Thank you for the link and videos. I'll text them the link to your post and the included links separately in the event their phone has issues opening the forum thread. Thank you again.
I don't know why they'd want the bother. Though they said they're going for it for better job security than other businesses in the area offer with their levels of employee turnover.
Even local government has the same stipulation.
One day it may come down to comply or don't eat or make a living at all.
Thank you for the link and videos. I'll text them the link to your post and the included links separately in the event their phone has issues opening the forum thread. Thank you again.
I don't know why they'd want the bother. Though they said they're going for it for better job security than other businesses in the area offer with their levels of employee turnover.
Even local government has the same stipulation.
One day it may come down to comply or don't eat or make a living at all.
These days with umpteen different genders, I'm usually pretty safe with pronouns like they/them. 😄
If we live in the last hour of the end times, I will guess that will be the case. Everything is set up for it. Agriculture and a severe financial crises would move the majority of the population to comply.
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