Just a few thoughts from an old man that has been trying to serve his Savior for over 52 years now.
Study the Word with an open mind. Be willing to allow the Word to change your mind. The Word has changed my mind many times over these years.
Much of what I was taught as a young believer was not completly true even thought those who taught me were good men who were just wrong in their understanding.
I am a Landmark Baptist by choice because I believe what is taught in MOST Landmark Baptist churches in more in line with what Jesus taught than other churches teach. So I must defend my church.
If your faith in what your church teaches, regardless of the name, is not strong enough to defend it, then should you really be a part of that church.
I am never offended when some one defends his church, but am concerned when I honestly believe that person is being taught thing contray to the truth.
We live in a time where many congregation with many different names teaching many different things.
Does God approve of this? No!
Are we able to change this? No, I don't believe we can, so I just deal with this as a reality and not let it worry me.
God will deal with it in His good time.
We each have a responsibility to study and KNOW the truth and not just accept what we are taught regardless of the teacher's credentials.
Listen to what they have to say and then study for yourself.
NOT preaching, just saying what is on my mind with love for Jesus and all His children.