Need to borrow this?
that troll spray can irritate trolls, I would think of how trolls might feel, and I don't think anyone would worship the troll spray, however, for the moment of being sprayed, that moment can be all consuming to the point where troll-spray is the only thing in awareness, and they might wonder if they should "bow down" to the almighty power of thine everlasting troll-spray, just because for that moment, it's all consuming
For God is like a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29)
@mailmandan I do get that you do show that to teach empathy, and I do get that sometimes suffering is necessary to cultivate that, and that sometimes tough-love might be in order, but be careful with the risk of resentment
salty attitude from trolls can happen, and we might add to their saltiness, and this is far different from the saltiness that's described in Matthew 5 "what good is it to lose saltiness"
that troll spray can lead to "weaping with gnashing with teeth", or provoke them to fight back. So I would double check the company to see where it comes from, because it might be God's wrath to them. I do get that sometimes lesson need to be taught, but the willingness to learn the lesson ultimately comes from God, so please reconsider the unintentional lethal effects of the troll-spray and how it might affect the other party that the troll-spray is intended for.