good thing or bad thing??

I don't really know, if it's good or bad, it really depends on how your affected, I suppose. The people in Syria will probably have to go through a civil war, which could last for years. Israel might be happy with having a puppet government in Syria, but do radical Muslims want to be peaceful with Israel?
Maybe this will make Syria more hostile to both Israel and Russia. I don't know. I thought Russia was over there defending Syria, so not sure what happened there. If Syria escalates with Israel, Israel will have no problem of pushing Syria, back into the stone age. The only this is, if Israel bullies Syria, will Russia attack Israel in response? It could get complicated..
"Moscow is still ready to help Syrians but civil war is their burden alone, says lawmaker"
Like the U.S., Russia can't be every where, especially when their resources are being used to make a regime change in Ukraine.
We will have to wait and see, but I personally can't see this, as a good move for peace. See what happens.