I love card games and board games! I play card games more often than board games, but I do like chess and Clue. I tend to be bad at strategy games such as Risk and Settlers of Catan. It's not that I don't enjoy thinking, because I really do, I'm just not good at it when it comes to those games.
Of card games, I'd say I like SkipBo and Nertz the most.
I also enjoy Egyptian Rat Slap (that goes by many different names, but it's a fast paced game where you slap pairs and stuff, like a more complicated version of Slap Jack). I'm better at fast paced games because my hands are fast. I can shuffle fast, deal fast, count fast, etc.
Uno was fun when I was a kid (still is but I haven't played it in forever), but I saw this and thought it was quite accurate (in jest, of course).
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