This thread has gotten a wee bit ridiculous for my taste. It started out a simple harmless question about favorite movies and now we are into movies and cartoons for kids being satanic, brainwashing and witchcraft?
If you people think this of simple cartoons for kids, I would seriously like to know what you must think of all the trash that is on television 24 hours a day with it's partial nudity, sexuality and graphic violence and murder, and that is just the commercials for these shows. The stuff that Hollywood is pumping out today is down right GARBAGE! Hollywood must think we are all brain dead. There is nothing on TV or being shown at the movies any more that is worth seeing or fit for a good Christian to go see, or anyone for that matter. I am sick of the kind of programing that is on out there. It is only a matter of time before they start airing porn on national television.
There are no good clean wholesome shows on anymore, that teach morals, values and respect. It's no wonder all we hear in the news is about murders, kidnappings, homosexuality, rapes and massacres happening. Those images are the things we are getting shown and brainwashed with every day of our lives on television and in the movies. If that garbage that is on TV isn't satanic, then I don't know what is?
There was a time when it wasn't allowed, to show two people in the same bed, they had to be in separate twin beds, there was a time when showing a toilet was against the rules, even saying the word pregnant was not allowed. If someone bleeped out all the bad language that is on TV now days, most of the programs would be bleeped out.
I don't waste my time with a television, I can chose what I want to watch and when online. I started to watch a new show yesterday to see what it was about and quickly shut it off. Within the first few minutes it was wasting my brain cells just watching it, and then the woman behind the counter was flirting with her boss and touching herself and asking him if he wanted to touch it....That was enough for me...TRASH!!! And this is what millions of Americans fill their minds with on a daily basis.
I would rather watch cartoons of yesteryear and animated films (which I already said in my original comment in this thread, that even the filth and bad language has now seeped into PG-13 movies), than the shows or even cartoons of today. NOW, the cartoons of today I would happily agree are horrible and evil. I feel sorry for the kids today that only have those types of cartoons to watch. They missed out on all the good lighthearted, fun ones.
Sorry, enough said. Just felt I needed to say what was on my mind ever since this thread started going haywire.
Lets all just agree to watch whatever we feel is clean and wholesome in our own eyes and trust the Lord to prick our conscience if we start to view something He would not like us to watch.
God bless and hope you all have a pleasant Sunday.