This is what passes for "tolerance" amongst "liberal" homosexuals:
"We're going to beat the living (delete) out of you!" said the pro-homosexual advocate before he broke TFP Student Action's video camera during a peaceful rally for natural marriage at Johns Hopkins University on October 23.
After physically pushing and shoving one of our youngest pro-family volunteers and using abusive and violent language, the same-sex "marriage" supporter turned against TFP member Matthew Miller, 20, and started throwing punches at his video camera.
As a result of the attack, the camera was severely damaged and its external microphone completely destroyed. In the video footage, another TFP volunteer can be heard telling the pro-homosexual attacker how the campaign for God's marriage was being conducted peacefully. "We're here totally peacefully," he said, to which the same-sex "marriage" bully retorted, "I'm not."
The incident occurred at 11:06 AM near the intersection of N. Charles Street and E 34th Street. Moments later, police authorities arrived and registered the "destruction of property" in police report 145J10002. Hundreds of dollars in damage were caused by the attacker and photos of the incident were turned over to the police for further investigation. This latest attack reflects a growing trend to stifle free speech that supports the sacred institution of marriage. Other cases are documented by this peaceful pro-family student group."
^ There is nothing tolerant about this "liberal" homosexual.