Why is it that she thinks that she deserves for me to pay her lawyer fees and "other remedies as seen fit by the court" when what I've done is comply with the DHS order that she had also voluntarily agreed to comply with, when neither of us thought the investigation would take this long?
Why is it that she thinks the judge will want to ignore DHS's findings and give her greater access to the kids?
Why is it that she did what she did?
Why is it that she left the kids with me when she left, has not even tried to visit the kids once a month since Christmas, but still wants to drag me to court to get more time with the kids?
Why is it that I think she is just wanting to pay less child support by having the kids more?
Why is it that my posts so far this week mostly "verge" on rants?
Why is it that when I look back, sometimes I see two sets of prints in the sand, sometimes see one deep set of prints where He picked up and carried me AND my burdens, and that there are these places where there's one set of prints and drag marks?
Oh, that's right, because He always sees me through despite me. He's not brought me & the kids this far to leave us here. God's got a plan.
Working on doing the 'Guide to the Galaxy' thing and "Don't Panic."
I just hafta remember that if I pick my foot up and trust Gods, He will set it down on the path that I need to trod.