So batman007 you'd choose option A from my previous post and not help your drug addicted friend because "that's who they are.."
Also if we (the US) were an intolerant nation from the start we wouldn't have the issues we have now. Corporate greed and lobbyists would not have been tolerated. We wouldn't tolerate people that wanted to take the words "in god we trust" off of our currency and other national symbols. We also wouldn't tolerate the government taking freedoms away from us. Just like we wouldn't tolerate them controlling our religion. Just like the colonials Didnt tolerate taxation without representation. Just like Lincoln didnt tolerate slavery (granted only a small part of the civil war but still relevant). Just like Martin Luther King Jr would not tolerate segregation and inequality. Should I go on?
What would this place look like if everybody was always tolerant? First we'd still be British (not that there's anything wrong with the folks across the pond

). Slavery would still be rampant. WWII would be massively different we wouldn't want to infringe upon hitlers beliefs after all he thought he was doing the work of God! Where do you draw a line?
And nautilus it's not about a lifestyle it about standing up for what is right and good. If done in a loving manner with care and respect for the person you're showing the person that you care about them. Not just in the here and now but for eternity. Like I said before I love the intolerant people in my life they tend to take me to task when I need it.