Tight schedule? That's taut, as Clint Eastwood walking on a tightrope, fen !
And, wow, what kind of free time is that? Five minutes. That worse than a slave driver, didn't you get the memo from Abraham Lincoln
Seriously, that's a great schedule, just hope the time is there for you and your hubby, I know, I know, it's tough to have quality time with your husband when you have sooooo much going on with the KIDS ! But, God is good, God is faithful, He will provide . In many ways. More than we may realize even is His provision there for us, in fact, He's always there for us, so, that tells you about your provision, too.
Oh, yer kidding, ha, ha. I get it now. They get 10 minutes of free time.

But, you know, I think as a kid, free time is overrated, especially when kids do what they want. Kids need help, and, IF my nephew could do what he wanted for free time all the time, he'd be in front of the xbox 360 or playing Fruit Ninja on his KindleFire .
so, yeah, that's quite regimented, but, idle time is of The Devil and so keeping the kids busy IF they are willing to do it like you have scheduled there, that IS The Lord's leading, and, in a sense, His providing for you, and, in this case that provision is 'blessings.' I think, most parents would love it IF there kids would get up at 3:30AM . And, i thought my 5A
M or 4AM was early, wow, you got me beat by a whole 1800 seconds, milady