I am soo discouraged. For as long as my husband and I have been married, my hubby has struggled with porn and talking to other girls. Every time I find out I express my heartache and hurt bc of this. He then promises it will never happen again. But then it does. Every time I start trusting him or gaining at least a little bit of hope it happens again. The longest he's gone WITHOUT doing it I would say has been at least 2 months. The last time it happened I told him I couldn't do this anymore, and my heart hurts too bad I can't take any more of it. He then swore to me he was going to be a better person, be more involved with God and that it would NEVER happen again. Well I jst found it again. And idk what to do. I highly doubt he has never met up with another girl and messed around. Sry so long, figured I should give the story. I jst really need some advice. I don't want to call it quits but I cannot be hurt anymore it's unbearable.