How much obedience would be considered purity? How much disobedience would be considered impure? what is the standard.
Those who have faith WILL WORK. that is what James said. Those who do not have faith will not.
That is hugely different from saying one can lose salvation based on not being good enough!
Faith is a true trust. True trust by its nature will CAUSE GOOD WORKS.
Those who have faith WILL WORK. that is what James said. Those who do not have faith will not.
That is hugely different from saying one can lose salvation based on not being good enough!
Faith is a true trust. True trust by its nature will CAUSE GOOD WORKS.
How much obedience?
Jesus answered the question when He stated we are to love God with ALL our heart, mind and soul.
It is godly sorrow that works repentance unto salvation. A true brokenness of a sinner before God is where the mind is changed. Thus instead of one walking after their own lusts in self-willed rebellion they instead choose to submit their will to God. Thus in this state we may not know much but the axe has been laid to the root of iniquity within the heart and the rebellion to God has been purged. It is in this state that God raises us up to newness of life, regenerating our spirit with His Spirit bringing us back to life whereby the veil falls and we begin to see.
It has nothing to do with being obedient for a certain period of time or doing a certain amount of works. It has everything to do with a state of the heart. The state of the heart is not viewed in light of deeds (hence salvation is not of works) but rather in how it is open to yielding to the light of God.
Genuine faith is a work (1The 1:3) for it is simply the active dynamic by which we yield to God having a SINGLE EYE fixated on Christ. Thus there is no serving two masters within the confines of genuine saving faith.
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