So in doing my research at looking into the end times and prophesy, I have found some interesting things. First I would like everyone to take a look into the mount of olives and revelations six. If you have understand and insight in scripture I recommend you study what I am about to say, they are almost an exact mirror of each other. Each seal was described very well by Jesus on that mount in the same order.
I also would like to point out I do not believe the seven seals are God's wrath, but rather the antichrists or the devils wrath. I think the seven trumpets are God's wrath. And of course many of the Seals have already happened, there is famine, random earthquakes in diverse places, there are rumors of war and perhaps very soon there will be war. There are many coming these days claiming to be christ( what nut jobs) and so on and so forth. However we are not yet in the tribulation because the true antichrist has yet to come out and declare he is the christ. and plus the restrainer must be taken before the devil can have his way on earth for seven years.
Plus It is possible the antichrist will reveal himself in the 3 and half year in the tribulation. Now on to God's wrath and the post tribulation rapture. I can see how it would make sense, I mean in those days when the age of the tribulation ends and God's wrath begins, it will be dark and doom and gloom 24/7. People will ask for the mountains to fall on them to hide them from the wrath of lamb because they know what is coming. I mean everyone will be looking up in those days, whether by fear or excitement, so I can see how the post Rapture theory can fit there. However I am not yet convinced about this, I am still a pretribe rapture person. But hey, I am willing to go through the tribulation for the lord because I know he will give me more than enough strength and courage to make it through.
But people the fact of the matter is that whether you can see it or not, a great time of horrible evens is coming soon, It cannot be a mere coincidence that all these signs and events from scripture have and are coming true rapidly. If we do not wake up and prepare our hearts will we be able to stand against the false Christ and his wrath on the Christian people?
I also would like to point out I do not believe the seven seals are God's wrath, but rather the antichrists or the devils wrath. I think the seven trumpets are God's wrath. And of course many of the Seals have already happened, there is famine, random earthquakes in diverse places, there are rumors of war and perhaps very soon there will be war. There are many coming these days claiming to be christ( what nut jobs) and so on and so forth. However we are not yet in the tribulation because the true antichrist has yet to come out and declare he is the christ. and plus the restrainer must be taken before the devil can have his way on earth for seven years.
Plus It is possible the antichrist will reveal himself in the 3 and half year in the tribulation. Now on to God's wrath and the post tribulation rapture. I can see how it would make sense, I mean in those days when the age of the tribulation ends and God's wrath begins, it will be dark and doom and gloom 24/7. People will ask for the mountains to fall on them to hide them from the wrath of lamb because they know what is coming. I mean everyone will be looking up in those days, whether by fear or excitement, so I can see how the post Rapture theory can fit there. However I am not yet convinced about this, I am still a pretribe rapture person. But hey, I am willing to go through the tribulation for the lord because I know he will give me more than enough strength and courage to make it through.
But people the fact of the matter is that whether you can see it or not, a great time of horrible evens is coming soon, It cannot be a mere coincidence that all these signs and events from scripture have and are coming true rapidly. If we do not wake up and prepare our hearts will we be able to stand against the false Christ and his wrath on the Christian people?