I've struggled with acne over the years. Praise God, my current routine is really working.
- I use sulfur soap to wash my face morning and night. I only use baby wipes (the ones made for sensitive skin) to wash my face because they are sterile.
- After I wash my face in the morning, I apply sulfur ointment. I leave it on anywhere from 10 - 30 mins. depending on how much time I have.
- After I rinse the sulfur ointment off, I apply proactiv green tea moisturizer.
Night time routine
- I wash my face with the sulfur soap.
- Then, I apply an ORGANIC apple cider vinegar and Epsom salt toner with a cotton ball. I leave that on overnight, and repeat my morning routine in the morning.
How to make the ORGANIC apple cider vinegar and Epsom salt toner:
I use the apple cider vinegar cap. I pour about 1/4 apple cinder vinegar into the cap. I put a pinch of Epsom salt into it. You don't need a lot - just a few grains of salt. Then, add water filling the cap up. Using a cotton ball, saturate your face with the ACV and Epsom salt toner and leave it on overnight.
Epsom salt is good for inflammation. It will also cause your skin to peel gently. The acne will peel away slowly revealing healthier, fresher skin.
ACV is rich in
natural alpha hydroxy acids. It also kills bacteria.
Sulfur ointment is good for detoxing the skin and cleansing the pores of oil, bacteria and blockages.
Warning: Initially, break outs can get worse for the first 3 months because these ingredients will cause your skin to detox and purge. It's going to bring up all those impurities and blockages and expel them through your skin. It's called a
"healing crisis." You are on the way to better skin, if you can preserve through the healing crisis. Afterwards, things will balance out, and the acne really clears up. Praise God! At least, that's what happened for me.
Please google, read and research sulfur, apple cider vinegar and Epsom salt for acne and "healing crisis."
Diet is also another important factor. Make sure you drink enough water and get enough fiber in your diet, so that your bodily systems won't be as likely to detox through your skin.
Best wishes. I pray that God heals your skin.