Jezebel hates the prophets, for the prophets speak out against her.
The prophets are her worst enemies. When she wars, it is to stir people against the message of
the prophetic church. Yet more than her hatred for
the prophet ministry, she hates the word they speak. Her real enemy is
the spoken Word of God.
- Francis Frangipane
oh look.
the Charismatics came up with a defensive (and highly offensive)
trick to cow anyone who denies God is sending prophets today.
they are the modern prophets, of course.
cessationists are Jezebels.
To show that I am not over-stating their claims, consider this statement by Francis Frangipane who claims to have sold hundreds of thousands of spiritual warfare books:
The church that successfully wars against Jezebel will be a church that inherits the glorious "morning star," which will be visible outward glory, a symbol of hidden, inward purity. It will be a church that exercises "authority over the nations," uniquely because it has conquered the Jezebel spirit which sought to strip God's servants of authority.14
He supposes that the Jezebel in Revelation 2:20 is a spirit being that is currently controlling much of society and the church. Jezebel's principle enemies are modern prophets who are "Elijah" coming in spirit before the coming of the Lord.
He states,
"Seeing Jezebel so blatantly manifest herself only confirms that the spirit of Elijah is also here bringing repentance and raising up warring prophets throughout our land!"15
In keeping with common dominionist spiritual warfare claims, this assumes that the church throughout history allowed itself and the rest of society to be ruled by Satan's agents, but that now new prophets with new revelations are going to bring us into world dominion.
The Dishonoring of God in Popular Spiritual Warfare Teaching
Refuting the Bad Theology Espoused by Spiritual Warfare Teachers
Critical Issues Commentary