My boyfriend recently was diagnosed with bipolar. I am really struggling with how to help him. So many people don't understand mental illness and discourage me from staying with him. I know the success statistics for marriage with someone who is bipolar are below 20%. But, I catch beautiful glimpses of the true Christian man behind the anger and depression that others see. How can I help others see this? And any advice on helping him would be welcome, as well. Thank you in advance.
Your faith in God is lukewarm and if yours is lukewarm how do you expect him to cope?
God said There will come a day when man shall have no more need of preachers, teachers, and ministers for I will write my Word upon his heart and he shall know me.
He later says, I laugh because man still needs to be taught my word so I will give them preachers, teachers...
What you two need is a deeper relationship with God. I advise you to both tell God that you are seeking a deeper relationship and for Him to guide you in His Word and in your walk.
Regular attendance at church for those that know God is for fellowship but be wary of the serpent who seeks to steal your soul.
If God can cure cancer of the lung then God can cure bipolar as it is called and when mankind has lost all hope God says I will.
Pray before you read the Bible for God's guidance to open your eyes to your heart to glean the wisdom and knowledge He wants you to see.
I keep a notebook when I read and write down what I find out, what I assume and my questions. He is right there with me and lets me know when my assumptions are right/wrong and corrects what needs to be corrected and He answers my questions.
Not all in one swoop and sometimes days/weeks/months later but it comes. Everything comes in His divine plan so be patient. Faith is seeing what is not yet...
Try this Bible study on the lower right hand side:
Bible Study Outlines | Center for Evangelists
God still talks to mankind it is mankind who has busy ears to hear Him. Listen He will guide you and you will learn when it is Him speaking or Satan trying to deceive you. If it doesn't match up to His word in your spiritual eyes not the fleshly eyes then it is not God and God said I am not a God of confusement.