My boyfriend recently was diagnosed with bipolar. I am really struggling with how to help him. So many people don't understand mental illness and discourage me from staying with him. I know the success statistics for marriage with someone who is bipolar are below 20%. But, I catch beautiful glimpses of the true Christian man behind the anger and depression that others see. How can I help others see this? And any advice on helping him would be welcome, as well. Thank you in advance.
I am bipolar; Bipolar NOS, fast cycling, with paranoid tendencies- is my exact diagnosis.
I first want to personally thank you for standing by and supporting your boyfriend. The statistics aren't in the favor of people with mental illnesses when it comes to relationships. I'm on the opposite side of the situation as you, but I can give you advice from my perspective since i've recently been through the same as him.
Prioritize. Work on the most important things first, then gradually continue with more as you go along. My medicines LITERALLY made me feel as if I were having to relearn, well, everything. How to walk, talk, take care of my self.
First priority is setting up a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy, no alcohol, finding effective stress relief, exercise; these are all things that will help him start to "normalize" his life during, through, and after med adjustments and changes.
SEE THE DR! TAKE THE MEDS, Even when you feel better or normal! This is the most important thing I can stress to you both! I went off my meds only once, and my husband, by the Grace of God, found me standing on the (very active) train tracks right behind our house. I didn't even know what I was doing really, I don't recall much except waking up being terrified of something and "running for the light".
I believe God can heal all things, but I believe the sometimes God heals through not only Miracles but medicine. I believe this because the two medicines I am currently on are the only ones that are working for me, have NO generic and are very expensive. Luckily, one of the medications is provided through my husbands work, and the other, God always manages to provide us the financial means to pay for it.
Keep on your spiritual journey together as you are. Do as you have to do to keep yourself right with God, if that means going to church on sunday without him, then by all means, go. God will set a fire in his heart in time to rejoin when the time is right. Maybe at this moment he needs to adjust, cope, and heal.
As for everyone else, what does it matter how they see him, God sees into the heart of things, and how God and you see him is all that really matters, right? Everyone else is small beans for now! Hope this helps some.