Now, being in the long hair crowd, I do understand that there are some annoyances that sometimes come with it... I've hit people in the face with, both intentionally and accidentally (braids, by the way, are lethal in this respect), gotten it caught in car doors, that sort of thing. But for those disadvantages...
1. I for one believe it to be Biblical. You may proceed to argue this to the cattle return to the homestead, but no matter how you argue it about it being about prostitutes or whatnot, it does not change the fact that the Bible says it is shameful for a woman to cut her hair.
2. It is, in my opinion, separate from what the Bible says about it, prettier (My hair is as brassy as can be and is certainly nothing special - mostly just a muddish shade of brown, really -, but just an hour ago a girl I didn't know approached me in a Dairy Queen and tell me how beautiful she though it was. Other than being long, my hair has no unique qualities at all. This, by the way is not to say that I haven't seen some cute short and medium styles. I just think that long is, by and large, better looking) and from what I've heard from others, they think so too.
3. You can do more with it. (Short hair styles can be replicated with false bobs on long hair. I do it myself, sometimes.)
4. You can argue it's inconvenient, and takes more time to deal with, but the fact is it's only a hassle if you make it a hassle. If you want to dye it, highlight it, put 40 different products in it, and go crazy on the styling, fine. Yeah, it's going to take time. But if you take care of it, and don't go bananas with the extras (which are bad for it anyway, by the way!), it'll look nice without you spending forever on it. I don't even trim mine for split ends; I just use anti-split-end conditioner and voila!
Maybe it's because I've always had long hair. Maybe. All I know is that most of the people I've run into, when they really think about it, seem to agree that long hair is more feminine and beautiful. Which is really what the Bible says about it, too.