If we look at our situation here, the problem is that we no longer look to god and his word for the answers and the good news. Instead we look to television and the media to form our opinions for us. Don't think so? Compare some of todays politically correct ideas and see where they stemmed from. Now look at those same ideas and compare it to scripture. Does it line up with gods word or does it go against it? We are constantly bombarded from every side with people saying this is what is correct and this is what is not correct and where are we at when we hear this? usually sitting on our couches watching cnn or the nightly news, or even from a newspaper. Lets ask ourselves a question as well, are these people who report to us the way we should be living people of god? Do they believe in Jesus Christ? As christians we have gods word that tells us what is right and wrong and if it is wrong in gods eye then it is simply wrong and we have to have the courage to say so.