Hi I'm trying to read the Bible and see how it is relevant to current world events. I'm having a very hard time making heads or tails of it because I don't know which prophecies have already occurred and which ones are yet to come. The Old testament is filled with prophecies of the coming Messiah and tribulations, restoration and collapse of the Israel nation.
How do events in the Middle East play out in terms of the Biblical time line? What is Satan's attack plan and what tools do Christians have to combat the spiritual assaults of the enemy? How do you translate the words in the Bible to practical every day application?
What are demons and how do we bind and cast them out of our lives and the lives of our loved ones? What happened to faith and the power to heal? Do miracles still happen?
Jesus talked about what is happening now in the Bible. He called it the rise of the Anti Christ. Does anyone remember the lesson of what demons real goals are in this world?
To isolate people and sever the human connections
To make people more selfish and materialistic
To use the concerns of this world to choke the hope and light of God’s grace in our lives
To create illusions by creating lies and half truths
I feel like a kid looking at the sea and wondering if I have enough faith to walk on water to meet Jesus. I think Joyce Meyers had it right, its the in between times that are the hardest. Its when we as believers step out of the boat of the status quo that miracles happen. Prayer, faith, mercy, strength and so many other words are just words until we act upon it.
so have we seen the rise of the Anti Christ? Who is his prophet? How does the Bible tell us to act during these times? What is Love? God makes it shine on the just and unjust alike. what is justice? God tells us that we are to be kind and loving towards even our enemies and Vengeance is God's not ours to take, but we are still allowed to defend ourselves and prevent people from committing the sin of harming God's beloved children: themselves or us.
is there a live chat option on this site??
How do events in the Middle East play out in terms of the Biblical time line? What is Satan's attack plan and what tools do Christians have to combat the spiritual assaults of the enemy? How do you translate the words in the Bible to practical every day application?
What are demons and how do we bind and cast them out of our lives and the lives of our loved ones? What happened to faith and the power to heal? Do miracles still happen?
Jesus talked about what is happening now in the Bible. He called it the rise of the Anti Christ. Does anyone remember the lesson of what demons real goals are in this world?
To isolate people and sever the human connections
To make people more selfish and materialistic
To use the concerns of this world to choke the hope and light of God’s grace in our lives
To create illusions by creating lies and half truths
I feel like a kid looking at the sea and wondering if I have enough faith to walk on water to meet Jesus. I think Joyce Meyers had it right, its the in between times that are the hardest. Its when we as believers step out of the boat of the status quo that miracles happen. Prayer, faith, mercy, strength and so many other words are just words until we act upon it.
so have we seen the rise of the Anti Christ? Who is his prophet? How does the Bible tell us to act during these times? What is Love? God makes it shine on the just and unjust alike. what is justice? God tells us that we are to be kind and loving towards even our enemies and Vengeance is God's not ours to take, but we are still allowed to defend ourselves and prevent people from committing the sin of harming God's beloved children: themselves or us.
is there a live chat option on this site??