Scriptures that prove the post trib rapture.

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Apr 23, 2009
So you don't think there could be worse tribulation to come? Really?? Is your body full of illness and sores? Do you still have a home? Do you still experience happiness? Is your church still standing?

1 Thessalonians 5:9 - For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The tribulation will be His wrath. He didn't appoint us to suffer it, how much clearer can that be? We suffer now because of the evil one. He is the cause of our suffering. When tribulation occurs, the cause will be God.

Revelation 3:10 - Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.

What about that verse? Could it not be any clearer that we will be spared from the "hour of trial that is going to come"?
It is sad to see the disrespect some have for others who want to do a study, and the unwillingness of these to be open to the truth of scripture, and the way they twist verses such as 1st Thess 1:10, 5:9 and Revelation 3:10 to fit their agenda instead of taking it for what it is says. Now let mme expose this lie that these scripture somehow support the pretrib rapture.
1st Thessalonians 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which has delivered us from the wrath to come.
To get a pretrib view out of this verse you would first have to make two assumptions, neither of which are scriptural. #1 That the wrath to come is the tribulation, and # 2 that the deliverance from this wrath is the rapture. As for the first assumption, you can believe the wrath to come to be many things. You can believe it to be a seven year tribulation, you can believe it to be the three and a half years of great tribulation, you can believe it to be the judgment of God when He separates the sheep from the goats, you can believe that it is Hell, or the lake of fire. As for me, I believe it is the judgment of God, when Jesus destroys the wicked with fire, which occurs at the post trib second coming, and I will prove as much biblically. What you can not do is arbitrarily proclaim that the wrath equals the seven year tribulation period. The second assumption, needed to be made is that the deliverance from the wrath is the rapture, which is completely false. The scripture says that He ''has delivered us'' from the wrath to come past tense, the rapture is still in the future. Therefore the only way scripture could possibly refer to the rapture is if it read, who ''will deliver us'' from the wrath to come future tense. Conclusion, both assumption are unbiblical. The wrath is the judgment of God upon the wicked and the deliverance is the death of Jesus on the cross. We are not delivered from the tribulation by the rapture, but from judgment by the cross. That is the true meaning of this verse.

So what is the wrath to come?
Matthew 3:7-12
7 But when he
( John the Baptist) saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:
9 And think not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham as our father: for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.
10 And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree that brings forth not good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire
11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he will baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.
12 Whose fan is in his hand, he shall throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into his garner, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
There is only three times in the New Testament that the phrase ''wrath to come'' is mentioned. Once in 1st Thessalonians 1:10, once here in Matthew 3:7 and in Luke 3:7 which is telling the same story about John the Baptist warning the masses of the wrath that is to come. So what is the ''wrath to come'' that he was warning them from? It is the purging of the floor mentioned in verse 12. It is the baptism of fire when the wicked will be overwhelmed by fire at the return of Jesus, it is the burning of the chaff which will occur when Jesus returns at the post trib second coming. The wrath to come that Jesus has delivered us from by his death and resurrection, is the destruction of the wicked by fire at the second coming of Christ.

Now for the two scriptures carrier gives...
1st Thessalonians 5:9 For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Once again to get the pretrib rapture from this verse you must assume that the wrath is the tribulation, and our salvation is the rapture. Our Salvation is Jesus Christ, not the rapture, and we are saved from Hell, not the tribulation. This verse has been grossly misrepresented by the pretrib supporters.
Let me ask this, if our salvation is from the tribulation, what about the tribulational saints? If they are saved by the same blood of Christ as we are, then why are they not ''raptured'' the moment of their salvations, why are they appointed to wrath? If we are not appointed to wrath then no believer of any age is appointed to wrath. It is obvious that this verse has nothing to do with the rapture, tribulation ect...

Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation, which will come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
This is by far the best scripture the pretrib movement has, yet it does not even come close to inferring that we will be snatched into Heaven before the tribulation to elude God's wrath upon the world. Anyone that believes this some how proves the pretrib rapture can be easily corrected. Remember verse 10 says that because we have kept his word he will keep us from the hour of temptation but verse 11 tells us to hold fast until his return.
Revelation 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold fast to what thou hast, that no man take your crown.
We know that He returns after the tribulation because in Revelation 2:16 Jesus tells the church to repent or else He will come and fight against them with the sword from His mouth. We see in Revelation chapter 19 that this event is after the tribulation.
Revelation 19:11-15
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon it was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doest judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame
of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but himself.
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dripped with blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14 And the armies which were heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
( by the way the armies clothed in white are the dead in Christ returning from heaven to receive immortal bodies and or the angels, not the raptured saints)
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp two edge sword, that he should smite the nations: and he should rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God.
All are in agreement that this happens after the tribulation, and again in Revelation 2:16 He says He is coming quickly to fight against the unrepentant with the sword from his mouth.
Revelation 2:16 Repent: or else I will come unto thee quickly and fight against thee with the sword of my mouth.
So if the coming quickly in Revelation 2:16 is post tribulational, then the coming quickly in Revelation 3:11 is post tribulational as well.
So if we are to believe that Revelation 3:10 is saying that Jesus is going to rapture us out of the world before the tribulation. Then we must accept the in one verse he tells us that we will be rapture before the tribulation '' Rev 3:10'', and then in the very next verse he tell us to hold to our faith until after the tribulation is over '' Rev 3:11''. How could this be, there must be something wrong, so what is it? Jesus would not contradict Himself.
John 17:15 tells us that Jesus actually prays to the Father, that He would not remove us from the world, but that he would keep us from evil.
John 17:15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but thou should keep them from the evil.
We know that Jesus was not just praying for the disciples only, but for all believers because of what it says in John 17:20.
John 17:20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also that shall believe on me through their word;
So now we know not only can God keep us from evil, and keep us from the hour of temptation, without removing us from the world, but that it would actually be against the prayer of Jesus Himself if we were raptured out of the world. We are kept from the hour of temptation through divine protection not the pretrib rapture. This does not mean that we will be immune to the wrath of man, but just as the apostles, that are faith would not fail.
Apr 23, 2009
For those that are interested the first three post in this thread leaves no room for misunderstanding scripture or any ambiguity. They prove that the only biblical view of the timing of the rapture is post trib. Any and everything else is flase doctrine based on incorrect theology
Jan 31, 2009

And Thaddeus, how dare you contradict him! Did you not get the message? You have no respect for your brothers and sisters in Christ! I think an excommunication is in order! Now where did I put my torch and pitchfork...
if have have my choice could we make it tar and feathers!!!


Just wanted to agree with your stance and also the scripture references that you quoted. Thanks for your study. I think that many are deceived in thinking that in the rapture they will miss all of this. Although we are not under God's wrath, I am pre-wrath, I agree with your post trib. position
Apr 13, 2007
wow so many post, I'm not even about to read all of's my take on this, I prayed, thought, and read up on the rapture/second comming not all that long ago...I mean really did, this took a good long time. Here's the conclusion I came to, and feel rather strong that God told me. The Bible refers to those that have passed from the physical life as ''sleeping'' and tells us that when Jesus comes back, the graves shall burst open and they shall ascend into the clouds with Him. So will those on earth alive. As Christians and children of God, I believe we shall pass from the physical life or be ''sleeping'' before the tribulation time happens, then it shall take place, those that get saved and those that won't. Then Jesus will return, we shall rise up from our ''sleep'' and ascend into the clouds,as well as the livinging. We shall all face God, every knee will bend, every head will bow, and every tongue will confess Him as Lord. Those that are saved, shall remain with God, and be in His kingdom for all eternity, those that aren't, shall be cast into the pits of hell for all eternity as Scripture tells us.

Now I'm by no means a Bible scholor, all I know is what God's word tells me and what He tells me. We all need to pray for wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of all things. Ask God to tell you what will happen, He'll tell you that much, however He won't tell you when it'll happen, for no man(woman, boy, or girl) knows the hour or day. So anyways, that's my take on it, I'm sure many of the pre-trib people will try and argue against that, but oh well I won't argue. I know what God's word says, and what He has given me, that's all I need to know. God bless.
Apr 23, 2009
Just wanted to agree with your stance and also the scripture references that you quoted. Thanks for your study. I think that many are deceived in thinking that in the rapture they will miss all of this. Although we are not under God's wrath, I am pre-wrath, I agree with your post trib. position
Thank you for your response cornerstone, and let me say that even though I am post trib, I agree with your pre-wrath position. ;)
Apr 23, 2009
Originally Posted by CarrierOfChrist


And Thaddeus, how dare you contradict him! Did you not get the message? You have no respect for your brothers and sisters in Christ! I think an excommunication is in order! Now where did I put my torch and pitchfork...

if have have my choice could we make it tar and feathers!!!
Actually the fact that as a ''pastor'' Thaddaeus is going to have to stand before God one day and explain why he ignored the truth and deceived the flock is worse than anything I could ever think about doing to him.


So you don't think there could be worse tribulation to come? Really?? Is your body full of illness and sores? Do you still have a home? Do you still experience happiness? Is your church still standing?
You misunderstood his post. He is saying that God hasn't historically delivered Christians from trials and tribulations, so why would we think he would deliver us out of or keep us from the tribulation?

~ lauren

ps. i'm only explaining what he meant, I am neither post- nor pre- trib, I sit on the fence on in this prepared for the worst, and be happy if it doesn't come to pass


Look up the book Dispensational Truth or God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages by Clarence Larkin....No one should argue with one another or try to prove what is right theres only One who knows the complete truth.... times dates hours punishment etc. and any division only is allowing Satan to win.
Apr 23, 2009
Look up the book Dispensational Truth or God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages by Clarence Larkin....No one should argue with one another or try to prove what is right theres only One who knows the complete truth.... times dates hours punishment etc. and any division only is allowing Satan to win.
and satan created the pretrib doctrine. God is the one that knows the truth and He shared that truth with us in the word, and all we have to do is read it and believe it. It is not really rocket science.
Jan 8, 2009
So you don't think there could be worse tribulation to come? Really?? Is your body full of illness and sores? Do you still have a home? Do you still experience happiness? Is your church still standing?

1 Thessalonians 5:9 - For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The tribulation will be His wrath. He didn't appoint us to suffer it, how much clearer can that be? We suffer now because of the evil one. He is the cause of our suffering. When tribulation occurs, the cause will be God.
Yes thankyou Lauren, she said what I meant:

You misunderstood his post. He is saying that God hasn't historically delivered Christians from trials and tribulations, so why would we think he would deliver us out of or keep us from the tribulation?
To understand prophecy we have to understand how God works. There is always a pattern through the bible and history of powerful moves of God , and then tribulation or persecution, which is intended to test the character of God's saints. It's been that way since Adam and Eve, through to Abraham , Joseph, Moses and the Israelites in Egypt, to the start of the church age and subsequent Roman persecution, to the medieval persecutions , to WW2 and the holocaust and the re-formation of Jewish Israel as a nation afterwards, and to a possible future end-times scenario where a final religio-political power will oppress the saints of God. In every case the saints aren't raptured away from the tribulation, but are possibly kept safe in and through the tribulation. And Corrie Ten Boom gave a good example (see my previous quotes) about Chinese believers who believed they would escape tribulation, but then were severely persecuted.

Ask yourself, how many persecuted Christians today would believe in a pre-tribulation rapture? If they are prepared to suffer and die at the very moment, what makes you think they'd hope for an escape from future tribulation? A strong case against it is how it may leave believers unprepared for coming tribulations.

The argument that "the cause will be God" is not quite true, so you obviously don't understand the events of the tribulation period. Because see Rev 13:5-7, also see Dan 7:21 .As far as I understand , there will be a whole lot of persecution of the saints going on under the reign of the Anti-Christ, and that is where the tribulation is coming from. God's judgements (the vials etc) happen later.

Revelation 3:10 - Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.
What about that verse? Could it not be any clearer that we will be spared from the "hour of trial that is going to come"?
Firstly, interestingly this church of Philadelphia which it was spoken to, had a number of members which suffered through the Roman persecutions with Polycarp. It seems you've missed the whole point of Rev 3: 10 which is about a testing. It is a way Jesus can test his people and divide the chaff from the wheat, those who are true to Him and those who are not. We also see that Rev 3:10 is spoken only to those who have kept His command and endured patiently. There is no such promise spoken to any other church?

Logically, to be spared from the hour of trial, they would have to be on the earth at the time the trial occurs to be delivered from it. Noah being kept safe in the ark was God keeping someone safe. But Noah wasn't raptured from the flood, but had to live through it. I don't doubt God may protect His people on the earth during the tribulation, just as He did with Noah. I just think a scenario of a worldwide rapture before hell breaks loose on earth and planes fall out of the sky due to raptured pilots, is fiction. It is also interesting to note, that when Jesus warned his disciples about the destruction of Jerusalem, He told them to flee to the hills, and did not tell them they would be raptured away from the invading Roman armies.

As for scriptural support of pre-trib rapture, you will not find any clear verse where Jesus said He was coming back twice. Neither any verses where Jesus said He'd rapture people away from tribulation. Take any passage that pre-tribbers give, and read the whole chapter from beginning to end. You'll soon realise it mentions nothing of a pre-trib rapture. The whole pre-trib idea is based upon bad hermeneutics, "reading into" texts, and other poor attempts at making scripture fit a preconceived doctrine. If the pre-trib idea was so plainly obvious in Scripture - why didn't anyone really believe in it before the 1700's? Doesn't that contradict the protestant theology about sola scriptura and getting doctrines from the bible alone and not a few individual's personal revelations?
Apr 23, 2009
Good post Mahogony, but one correction, it was not until the mid 1800s that Darby came up with the pretrib belief.
Jan 8, 2009
Well I said 1700's as general, to cover any people before Darby such as Mather, Doddridge, Edwards, who came up with the concept of rapture before God's judgement. If we're talking about popularisation of the belief, yes, Darby and others, 1850's onwards, the Plymouth Brethren.

Now, let's look at the history of the post-tribbers, which go right back to early church Fathers:

Historic premillennialism draws its name from the fact that the early Church Fathers (i.e. Ireneaus [140-203], who as a disciple of Polycarp, who had been an disciple of the apostle of John, Justin Martyr [100-165], and Papias [80-155]) held to this theology. Historic premillennialism was a popular view amongst Protestant Christians[citation needed] until the rise of dispensationalism in the 19th and 20th centuries. Proponents of historic premillennialism include Baptists John Gill,[1] Charles Spurgeon,[1][2], Benjamin Wills Newton, a contemporary and fierce theological rival to the father of dispensationalism John Nelson Darby,George Eldon Ladd[3] and Presbyterians Francis Schaeffer, Gordon Clark,[1] and James Montgomery Boice.[4]
Apr 23, 2009
Well I said 1700's as general, to cover any people before Darby such as Mather, Doddridge, Edwards, who came up with the concept of rapture before God's judgement. If we're talking about popularisation of the belief, yes, Darby and others, 1850's onwards, the Plymouth Brethren.

Now, let's look at the history of the post-tribbers, which go right back to early church Fathers:

Historic premillennialism draws its name from the fact that the early Church Fathers (i.e. Ireneaus [140-203], who as a disciple of Polycarp, who had been an disciple of the apostle of John, Justin Martyr [100-165], and Papias [80-155]) held to this theology. Historic premillennialism was a popular view amongst Protestant Christians[citation needed] until the rise of dispensationalism in the 19th and 20th centuries. Proponents of historic premillennialism include Baptists John Gill,[1] Charles Spurgeon,[1][2], Benjamin Wills Newton, a contemporary and fierce theological rival to the father of dispensationalism John Nelson Darby,George Eldon Ladd[3] and Presbyterians Francis Schaeffer, Gordon Clark,[1] and James Montgomery Boice.[4]
Yes you are correct, Polycarp was a disciple of John the Revelator himself only once removed from the direct teaching of Jesus, and he was totally post trib. I am a Historical Premillennialist, which is the teaching of scripture, Jesus, Paul, John the Revelator, and the belief of the entire first century church. There is no question that post trib is the view of the early church before catholicism when doctrine within the church were still pure.
Jan 8, 2009
Although there are plenty of pre-trib rapture websites that try to show that a sola scriptura interpretation will lead to a pre-trib belief. Which is funny because the great reformers such as Luther and Calvin never believed in it LOL.

This website I found is good which shows that the early church did not believe in a pre-trib rapture, and how could they? Given they were exposed to and familiar with persecutions of various sorts:

which says in conclusion:

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]We have looked at writings of the Early Church from the time of John the Apostle to the time of Augustine, a period that covers over 300 years. After reading these quotes, in context, and seeing the concern for fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, warning them to stand firm in face of the persecution that may come to them, it is impossible to hold to a pre-tribulation Rapture escape. The Early Church did not have such a teaching.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Feb 28, 2009
You misunderstood his post. He is saying that God hasn't historically delivered Christians from trials and tribulations, so why would we think he would deliver us out of or keep us from the tribulation?

~ lauren

ps. i'm only explaining what he meant, I am neither post- nor pre- trib, I sit on the fence on in this prepared for the worst, and be happy if it doesn't come to pass
Jesus Christ went to the cross and became our substitute. He bore our sin and took our place and was judged for our sin through death. If He died in our place what makes you think that He wouldn't keep us from the hour of temptation. We are no longer the children of wrath or disobedience.
Jan 31, 2009
Actually the fact that as a ''pastor'' Thaddaeus is going to have to stand before God one day and explain why he ignored the truth and deceived the flock is worse than anything I could ever think about doing to him.
I will stand before God one day But I will not stand before your judgement. PRAISE THE LORD


Yes God did show us the truth in his word but not everyone concepts it they way God intends ...Im am a witness to the waking of the dead in Christ I heard Micheall the Archangel and I also witnessed Satan incarsanate himself in a friend who is a drunk unbeleiver. I witnessed they Holy Spirit work in me and it was very powerful. Check out the book ....along with your Bible. Peace


Oh and one more thing of all that God has shown me in the last two years...never once did he tell me to preach scripture to those who were and are unblievers but to show Himself through me was to have a mind like Christ and to change my heart and I have and others see it and thats what is fullfilling to God. My Faith has never been stronger.....God is Good and God is BIG!!!!!


We could argue pretrib/posttrib/etc all day and night....In the mean time, many souls are heading to hellfire because many churches refuse to teach their congregation the importance of soul winning. Win a soul for Christ, for that is the most precious thing you can do for your Savior!

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30