I have a 3 year old a 1 year old and a 7 week old and I wasn't raised in church or really taught about God I recently found him I was going threw a very hard time in life and I have trusted Him every since and I was just wondering about the best way I could introduce my children to Him I want them to have a close personal relationship to our savior and trust in him. Any ideas?
Give credit to God out loud, for example you are given something tell the kids isn't god great he gave this to us.
Teach them how Jesus died for them to make mistakes and learn from them, for example when they are tiny tots and purposely do something wrong, while reprimanding teach how Jesus died so they can learn to not make that choice again and how The Holy Spirit guides them in their prevention if they listen carefully.
Show them where God is and how wonderful his works are around them, for example somebody being cured of something or the home or job you are provided.
Teach them that everything around us belongs to God and he has lent us the stuff to use and care for including them. Tell them they are gifts from God and he has a plan for them and a big purpose.
Use scriptures as knowledge, for example when something good or bad is gone through apply a scripture to the experience. If you are still learning the bible, you can google scriptures that pertain to love or ect., and use them.
Teach FORGIVENESS, for example when a child says I am sorry don't reply with it's okay instead say I forgive you and teach them the same. Show them how to let things go and give it to God and truly forgive.
Encourage them to not take their greatest pleasure in wordly things, but in acts of service. For example, instead of using their money to buy a toy for themselves, buy for a sibling, a friend, a stranger, or tith at church. Teaching them to allow others and God to care for them, not just themselves.
Opportunity is around you everywhere! I wish you the best in your journey. God will bless you for bringing three more of his children closer to him.