lil_christian = littleChristone. She just is. A pretty princess in a scarf, smiling with the Love of Jesus in her smile, makes many not happy, but filled with joy from her presence and sweetly said words of Christ working in her life, genuinely real, a heart after Him
Miss_Cris = someone who is not married. But, she is, she is, 'I tawt I saw a puddy tawt. I did, I DID see a puddy tawt.' She is as good advice offerer and a steady face of Christ being in us on c.c., she is a good planter, waterer of His 'garden.'
xxEratic_Emilyxx = Radically, erratically, serving Jesus; He marks the spot in her life, her treasure, her 'x'. she's been on c.c. a long time, longest of anyone I know and I've been on c.c. for 5+ years, just about; being on c.c. , that's a good thing. that's 'great.' And, as Tony The Tiger would say, it's g-r-r-r-r-r-r-eat. And, as Link would say thusting his sword, that's 'cha-cha.'
Eternal = Understands life is eternal, and, she's with Him. Thank God . We all should do 'that,' too.
seatbelt = Knows the ride of our life is bumpy, a little 'bucky,' too, but is buckled down and going 'it' with Jesus! I know, things been sounding rough lately for ya, bro, stay with Him, He will get your through the storm,the rain pouring, with visibility next to nothing. Haven't seen Him on c.c. at all in last couple months. I pray for His safety of him .
Ugly = Is understanding that NOT one of us is ugly in His eyes . An introspective thinker he is, speaks his mind and in his heart he's speaking what he's learned from Him
missachu = young unmarried one liking Pikachu, and, she sneezes a lot, for Jesus, but, of course, don't believe me, 'ask the dishes, if not them, try the gray stuff.....' She wrote a delightful post one time about what kind of superhero she would be. I told her she's got the makings of a good book there, e-books are everywhere now, easy to do in this day and age. God's a-movin' in that way. for sure.
shawntc = His name and middle name and last. Let's just call the letters something else, for fun, ShawnTookChrist. He listened to an 'Aha' song called 'Take On Me,' and, the 'Me' equaled Him as he became crucified with Him (Gal. 2:20)
Fenner = no clue ,but, knowing her, she's a beautiful creature of God on c.c. seen, in word, and, I'm sure 'deed,' too if I ever saw her do deeds.
DuchessAimee = royalty , she's another who serves God well, not afraid to speak her mind , genuinely knows life's better with Him, that's her aim in life.
zaoman = one after Christ and has had pictures of Him strumming the gee-tar in avatar. following Christ, I see this in his posts, more and more after Him
wisebeardedman == knows that Jesus, in some pictures, anyway, is depicted and shown this way. A guy who seems of few words with most posts, but, who is wisely following Christ, afterall, he's choosing to be on c.c.
Bazman = LOL, at 'British batman,' good ole EE, she's a witted one. I'd say, you're name is 'Sebastian,' and, you have a penchant for doing things , liking stuff, that has superhero 'written' all over it. Save the world to Jesus is my best advice. ("“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”)
LoveNeverFails = Someone who knows Jesus' Love never fails her even when all else fails . She's a young lady with a good heart after Him, I can see it in her posts, she wants to be like Jesus, follow Him.
Julianna = royalty , and, this young lady serves God greatly, I will add, as in 'great' is the Lord, not just superlative 'great,' but, great as awesome and all that stuff of the word's meaning.
CatHerder = a shepherd who likes cats, understands 'David,' too. A wonderful server of God and I don't know this from his username but he serves God in music ways and that's awesome, that's 'great.'
CatLynn = a catgirl named Lynn, likes cats, a lot, very 'catty' in her serving of Jesus
ITORETHESKY = pure poetry, and, I think of it as Jesus' and God and Spirit doing creation, this user knows that important stuff of our lives now being important yesterday, today, and, tomorrow. He is forevermore, our God reigns. He can do whatever He wants, made everything here that exists ,without Him, it ain't here; God could tear the sky open if He wanted too, one day, He will, so to speak , because He's coming again, and,the Earth is going to shake that day, I think
There's a lot more of you out there that I could talk 'username' but will go with that all for now, good thread, littleChristone. The Lord leads
Oh, and littleChristone, you might want to do another thread, 'what's your username mean to you ?