This response is not intended for the OP. I am not condemning or judging her thoughts or motives here, nor am I saying that this is her intention. This is in response to the comments and posts above. I replied to the OP earlier. Just, you know, FYI because I don't want defenders rising up and attacking me.
Modesty: decorum; decency; chastity; purity
Word studies are dangerous, but here we go!
Decorum: whatever is suitable or proper; propriety; congruity; propriety and good taste in behavior, speech and dress; an act or requirement of good behavior.
Decency: the quality or condition of being decent; propriety of conduct and speech; proper observance of the requirements of modesty, good taste, etc.
Chastity: absence from all unlawful sexual activity; freedom from obscenity; decency; modesty; simple refinement of design; lack of ornateness or excess; purity; unadulterated state; celibacy or virginity; sexual continence.
Purity: cleanness; freedom from foulness or dirt; freedom from evil or sin; innocence; freedom from any sinister or improper views. Syn. - cleanness, chastity, innocence, sinlessness, uprightness, integrity, virtue.
Propriety: the quality of being proper, fitting, or suitable; fitness; conformity with what is proper or fitting; conformity with accepted standards of manner or behavior; peculiar or proper nature or state; a peculiarity; private property. Syn. - appropriateness, circumspection, decency, seemliness, correctness.
And the big one, immodesty: lack of modesty; indecency; lack of delicacy or decent reserve. (immodest: lacking in the reserve or restraint which decency requires; not modest; specifically, (a) indecent; unchaste; lewd; (b) bold; forward; impudent)
I think, rather than suggesting that we can be lax on our modesty, we should look closely at what is considered immodest and do we really want to be looked at as one who is immodest?
So, here's the ultimate question: Would you wear that outfit to church? Would you wear it in front of your fellow believers in the midst of worshiping a holy and pure God? Would you wear that when meeting with your pastor or youth leader? Would you be comfortable dancing that way in the midst of the presence of God in worship in His house? Would you wear that to meet your fiancée's parents for the first time? If the answer is no (and, it should be, honestly), then why would you consider wearing it at all?
Now, I know what you're thinking. Of course I wouldn't! And what does it matter? It doesn't have anything to do with church. Ah, but it does, because you never know who is watching, you never know who is sitting in those stands, and though you meet your fiancée and go to meet his parents, they inform you, quite politely, that they've been to games and seen you perform and, though you're wearing the most modest outfit in your closet, you know that they've seen you in much, much less and thus, their opinion of your modesty has already been set in their minds.
And, finally, the words of Lisa Bevere from Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry, when asked if she thought it was okay for girls to dress suggestively: Sure. I think it is a great idea. Go right ahead and dress like a whore if you want to attract a whoremonger. It's like fishing - the bait you use will determine what you'll catch. So if you want to hook a sleazy guy, by all means dress sleazy.
But, because as Christians we should take God's word over all others, I once again give the following Scripture: But among you there must not be even a
hint of sexual immorality, or of
any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Ephesians 5:3, NIV [emphasis mine]
And what is impurity? Not pure; foul; feculent; mixed or impregnated with foreign matter; adulterated; unchaste; lewd; unclean; obscene; not purified according to religious ritual; soiled; dirty; mixed; having more than one color, tone, style, etc. Syn. - adulterated, dirty, filthy, coarse, gross, ribald, immodest, vulgar
As I said, word studies are dangerous things. This can go on and on and on. In fact, outside of here, it is doing so with my current word study regarding all these words. I just want to point out two last things.
One, I like how propriety means 'private property'. I think if we all began to look at ourselves and our bodies as the private property of God, we would dress a great deal more differently. Also, if we then, once married, looked at our bodies as the private property of God and our spouse, well, still, we would dress differently. I think that these days, the world teaches us that beauty is sexy and sexy is perfectly tasteful and fine and, therefore, your body is not private property, but rather, belongs to the hungry eyes of all.
Two, I like how impurity talks about being mixed, having more than one color, style or tone. This is referring, of course, to metals and such, however, as a disciple of Christ, I consider this having a bit of the world's color mixed in with the white as snow purity of Christ. Impure. Powerful, yes?
Okay...I'm done.