Man, this was the HARDEST lesson I've had to learn in my Christian walk. I'm a very independant woman, stubborn, willful, and I hate not being in control. All my life I dated guys who I could boss around and who would just do what I told them without question. In essence, I wanted to be the one "wearing the pants". And after a couple of months, I would be bored with them because they were usually very weak-willed. Something just never clicked in any of the relationships I was in. Half the reason I wanted to date weak-willed men is because I was scared. I was scared that I would give someone control over me, and give them a chance to hurt me. I gave my heart up once, and the guy I gave it to destroyed it when I was at a very young age.
Then, one day, I met a man who made me feel safe, secure, and loved, and who I had no problems trusting. I no longer wanted to "wear the pants" but trusted in his leadership. I married that man. He's full of integrity, and treats me with respect. Submitting to him is not a problem like it used to be with all the other guys. But it's because we have respect, trust, and love. Now that I have someone I know isn't going to hurt me, isn't going to demand things from me I don't think are right, and who has proven himself as a person I want to follow, being a submissive wife is easy.
Too often we see people married for all the wrong reasons. People marry people they don't trust, they don't respect, and don't allow God into their relationship. God set up a household perfectly, and when we start following his rules, the happiness falls in naturally. There is no arguing or bickering between me and my husband. When something happens, we discuss it. He loves me enough to get my input and to see what I would like before he makes a decision, and I trust his judgement and leadership as head of my household that whatever he decides, I support. He doesn't "exert authority" "boss me around" or otherwise use my submissiveness to harm or hurt me. We work together as a team, supporting each other the way God intended.
The roles are simple. Men, love your wives like Christ loved his church, and women submit to your husbands as you do the Lord. Does that mean women should be in the kitchen all day and do all the house cleaning and do all the cooking while the husband sits around and watches tv? I don't believe that at all. Does that mean men should make all the decisions in the household and never consult their wife? No. It means loving your wife enough to includer her in all that you do and chose, and in return, women, trust your husbands to make the right choice, even if it's not the choice you would have made yourself.
God's rules in marriage are all about love, respect, and order. When you allow Him into your relationship, it's amazing how smoothly things run.