I Believe in Evolution and have no problem with Gay Marriage

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Senior Member
Dec 7, 2012
God created Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve. What does that tell you?


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
I know because God said His Spirit will witness with the Children of God that they are the children of God.... The love and peace and soft manner, hard working, unselfishness, and absolute devotion to serve, is evident in the woman who show Godliness...

I asked God and studied His Word what a Godly woman looks like.... My wife fits the description PERFECTLY....All who knows my wife knows they met something special.... They all would say... she is a good person is she not. I would always reply, ... you have no idea....

Bookie God sais we can see it in the eyes... the eyes are the lamo to the soul and spirit.... Boy does she shine.... I know she is a holy person, with so many Scripture to back up what she lives out.... that is how I know... I can see even when I used to start thinking bad about some person she would always see it coming, like she can read my mind, and say... Do not harden your heart my husband, you are bigger than that... She would always know how to HELP me with the softest of words. Every day she is my HELP. Exactly like God designed women....

She is by far the best wife and mother, I ever saw. Everybody also agrees. Let me assure you bookie, if you meet her within three minutes you would agree... you cannot meet a better person... What is better than perfect?

I am so blessed to have such a wife, God must have known only an ANGEL will be good enough to be my help....
No doubt she's a good and Godly woman, sounds like you are very blessed. However I have met many Godly women as you would describe and none of them would suggest they are sinless. There are many people who show Godly qualities but yet don't believe in our God. Only God knows the depths of the heart.


Nothing just evolves. The idea, of evolution is only found in the affairs of men. From the cave to the mansion . From the wheel to the car. Glider to a jet. But outside of our little world; nature itself continues on the same, as it always has since the day it was created. With no change.

Evolution is a lie. It directly attacks the truth of Creation.

gay marriage is wrong and it is against God's laws. Which Christ said to follow.

Romans 1:26-27

King James Version (KJV)

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
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Senior Member
Jan 27, 2013
Now this is EXACTLY what I am talking about. Instead of having a genuine conversation with this person, you are simply blocking out anything they have to say and walking away. If this is, as you say, a matter of this person's salvation (as absurd as it may be as... he isn't actually doing these things), shouldn't you be MORE inclined to have a meaningful discussion with him? Again, be nice, and just as importantly, let's think this through before it becomes silly.
is your discernment not aligned with God's judgements do you not love God and others that you may see truth the sinner is always accepted but the sin is condemed but is we side with sin then there is the condemnation that they loved trhe darkness rather than light and also in thesalonians it is written that such will take heed to thes lies because the truth is not in them and such has been given a spirit of dilusion that they believe these lies for the truth is not in them
May 15, 2013
Nothing just evolves. The idea, of evolution is only found in the affairs of men. From the cave to the mansion . From the wheel to the car. Glider to a jet. But outside of our little world; nature itself continues on the same, as it always has since the day it was created. With no change.

Evolution is a lie. It directly attacks the truth of Creation.

gay marriage is wrong and it is against God's laws. Which Christ said to follow.

Romans 1:26-27

King James Version (KJV)

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
This is evolution:

Disability History Timeline

Ancient Times: The earliest physicians regard mental illness as a punishment inflicted for angering the gods, and
believed that affected people must undergo an exorcism. If that failed, banishment followed.

1000 B.C.E.: Epileptic seizures are believed to occur when invisible demons attack a person's body.

400 B.C.E.: Hippocrates says mental illness should be understood in terms of disturbed physiology. Hippocrates also
develops a diet for epileptics, possibly similar to the modern Ketogenic diet, which treats epilepsy.

Ancient Rome: Epilepsy is believed to be contracted by touching and epileptic, or breathing in the same room the epileptic was in. Since epilepsy was considered contagious, epileptics were forced to live alone.

700s C.E.: Asylums first established in the Middle East.

Middle Ages: Witchcraft and demonic forces are the believed causes of disabilities, and religion was believed to be the
solution. Epilepsy, known as "falling sickness," was cured by giving the patient a blessed ring.
Untitled Document

As blacks were banned from entering celestial marriage prior to 1978, some interpreted this to mean black people would be treated as unmarried whites, being confined to only ever live in God's presence as a ministering servant. In 1954, Apostle Mark E. Petersen told BYU students: "If that Negro is faithful all his days, he can and will enter the celestial kingdom. He will go there as a servant, but he will get a celestial resurrection."[SUP][9][/SUP] Apostle George F. Richards in a talk at General Conference similarly taught: "[t]he Negro is an unfortunate man. He has been given a black skin. But that is as nothing compared with that greater handicap that he is not permitted to receive the Priesthood and the ordinances of the temple, necessary to prepare men and women to enter into and enjoy a fullness of glory in the celestial kingdom."
Black people in Mormon doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Hi DJJesus! I have a link here from Answers In Genesis Ministries. This is Ken Ham's book The Lie: Evolution.
In his book, Ham talks about the importance of taking the Bible, especially the first chapter of the book of Genesis, to be fact.
I also think it's important.

If evolution were, in fact, the instrument used by God in creating man, that would suggest that there was death before the fall. Which makes absolutely no sense. The reason why things like death, decay, sin, etc. happen on this earth is because of the first sin entering the world. Please read this book, I PROMISE, it won't be a waste of your time.

Much love!
The Lie: Evolution - Answers in Genesis


if you don't believe in the bible in some places what makes you believe it when it comes to salvation? It feels good to be saved from something. So salvation is ok but believing in the entire word of God would make you make a stand. Most people in our world don't want to make this stand. I have a hard time understanding how a person can come to a true saving knowledge without believing the whole bible. If the liberal thing works for you , continue on. I just believe it does not
Nov 22, 2013
Tolerance is watershed of Truth... either you're in, or you're out.
Nov 23, 2013
Evolution is a lie. It directly attacks the truth of Creation.

gay marriage is wrong and it is against God's laws. Which Christ said to follow.

Romans 1:26-27

King James Version (KJV)

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
If you went back in time a hundred years no doubt you would find many who would say the exact same thing about interracial marriage - with scripture to back it up.

If you went back in time two hundred years no doubt you would find many who would say the exact same thing about slavery - with scripture to back it up.

If you went back in time three hundred years no doubt you would find many who would say the exact same thing about heliocentrism - with scripture to back it up.

Louis Agassiz said this about scientific ideas, but I think it holds true for moral ones as well, "Every scientific truth goes through three states: first, people say it conflicts with the bible; next, they say it has been discovered before; lastly, they say they always believed it."
Feb 7, 2013
Peace be with you, i m sorry to say that you are in the wrong website. This is 'Bible discussion forum' of the 'LORD JESUS CHRIST' to build and edify 'believers'.

As it is written; "Do not be conform to the pattern of this world but allow GOD to renew your mind."

In order to know the Kingdom of GOD, according to LORD JESUS CHRIST who have spoken in the beginning itself, the Gospel that;
"You need to be born from above, not only by water but also by the HOLY SPIRIT and fire." (sound doctrine)

To acknowledge you, you are only stirring up lies and deceit against the Kingdom of GOD of the New Covenant. In simple carnal terms, you are saying blue is red and red is blue and they match and CHRIST must agree.

As it is written for all believers; "Do not be equally yoked with unbelievers."

We love and respect them in their ignorance for GOD has not reveal to them but to us and we must learn to act in Grace and Truth of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

The LORD reminds us as HE reminded HIS disciples; "I AM sending you among a pack of wolves, so be wise as a serpent and be innocent as a dove."

HE is saying you do not have to continue with discussion like this, using force and harshness in order for someone to understand. But in Love you can feel sorry and pray because of his or her ignorance and you see because of GOD's unmerited favor that Salvation is not only for us but for this ignorant world.

May GOD the FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST forgive and bless you all believers to act in Grace and Truth including me. For this is HIS loving reminder, I AM that I AM, who reigns through CHRIST, by the Help of the HOLY SPIRIT, forever and ever, Amen.
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If you went back in time a hundred years no doubt you would find many who would say the exact same thing about interracial marriage - with scripture to back it up.

If you went back in time two hundred years no doubt you would find many who would say the exact same thing about slavery - with scripture to back it up.

If you went back in time three hundred years no doubt you would find many who would say the exact same thing about heliocentrism - with scripture to back it up.

Louis Agassiz said this about scientific ideas, but I think it holds true for moral ones as well, "Every scientific truth goes through three states: first, people say it conflicts with the bible; next, they say it has been discovered before; lastly, they say they always believed it."
Well no matter how far back you want to take it. God's word has always been the same. and it dose'nt change. People have always been the same, actually, and doing these wrong things. and the message has always been the same, forever. It is wrong. Even before there was a law, nature is a witness its wrong.
Nov 23, 2013
Well no matter how far back you want to take it. God's word has always been the same. and it dose'nt change. People have always been the same, actually, and doing these wrong things. and the message has always been the same, forever. It is wrong. Even before there was a law, nature is a witness its wrong.
But do you really treat all of God's word like this? How about what God's word says about what to do with homosexuals? So is God's word actually "forever", or just "for some times"?


Sodomite abomination is one of the worst abominations ever ! Why do you think Lot wanted to give his virgin daughters to be raped by the sodomites so that they wouldn't commit sodomite abominations to his guests ? How could it be worse for a father to give his own daughters to be raped by sodomite savages ? Just think about it. This is astonishing to see how so many people fear the sodomite lobby and their worldwide dictatorship and brainwashing. And they want to force their monstrous agenda to the whole world against the will of all humans ! But in the end, they will fail, because Satan is doomed, and we will see it with our own eyes soon enough !

My friend, there's no such think as a True Christian who would believe in such demonic doctrine as evolution and demonic sodomite interpretation of Scriptures.

There's no such thing as an outdated book of Leviticus,
for it didn't came from man, but it came from God !
And God is the same today, yesterday, and forever.
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May 15, 2013
Sodomite abomination is one of the worst abominations ever ! Why do you think Lot wanted to give his virgin daughters to be raped by the sodomites so that they wouldn't commit sodomite abominations to his guests ? How could it be worse for a father to give his own daughters to be raped by sodomite savages ? Just think about it. This is astonishing to see how so many people fear the sodomite lobby and their worldwide dictatorship and brainwashing. And they want to force their monstrous agenda to the whole world against the will of all humans ! But in the end, they will fail, because Satan is doomed, and we will see it with our own eyes soon enough !

My friend, there's no such think as a True Christian who would believe in such demonic doctrine as evolution and demonic sodomite interpretation of Scriptures.

There's no such thing as an outdated book of Leviticus,
for it didn't came from man, but it came from God !
And God is the same today, yesterday, and forever.
Nehemiah 9:17They refused to listen and failed to remember the miracles you performed among them. They became stiff-necked and in their rebellion appointed a leader in order to return to their slavery. But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Therefore you did not desert them,


But do you really treat all of God's word like this? How about what God's word says about what to do with homosexuals? So is God's word actually "forever", or just "for some times"?
Um. . .have you actually read Leviticus?
Actually, Christ death eliminated that sin penalty but it is still sin. We as Christians love our neighbor as we love ourselves, no matter who or what they are, but that love is not a dismissal of sin. With all of the "learned, logical" people we have in the world, it's funny how people don't understand the simple notion that you can love without tolerance. I don't have to accept what you do to love you. I love murderers, liars, drunks, adulterers, fornicators, etc, etc, etc but do I have to tolerate what they do? That would be a huge NO...
Nov 23, 2013
Actually, Christ death eliminated that sin penalty but it is still sin. We as Christians love our neighbor as we love ourselves, no matter who or what they are, but that love is not a dismissal of sin. With all of the "learned, logical" people we have in the world, it's funny how people don't understand the simple notion that you can love without tolerance. I don't have to accept what you do to love you. I love murderers, liars, drunks, adulterers, fornicators, etc, etc, etc but do I have to tolerate what they do? That would be a huge NO...
I do get what you're saying, and that makes a good deal more sense than trying to pretend as though we would ever consider doing some of the horrible things commanded in Leviticus today. That being said, what is the actual sin in your view? That homosexuals are attracted to members of the same sex or homosexual acts themselves?