I look forward to all the blessings that are mentioned in the book of Revelation. This beautiful Bible book is heartwarming and encouraging because when reading what this last book of the Bible says about the present and what it reveals about the future, inspires faith in God and gives one the strength to go on. Revelation helps true Christians endure this wicked world ruled by Satan the Devil.
This beautiful book is written mostly in symbols and signs. These symbols or signs always can be said to represent a human, governmental and religious entities, God, Jesus, those that are going to heaven, those who are marked for survival of the end of Satan's wicked world and who will have an opportunity to live forever on a beautiful paradise earth, as well as much, much more.
Think about this illustration, perhaps it will take away some of the apprehension or fear that even some Christians have for reading this wonderful book of Revelation. QUESTION: How many ways can you say the word "money" without saying the actual word "money" or better yet what are some terms, "symbols or signs" that can be substituted or used in place of the word "money"?.......
1. Wiggums
2. Bacon
3. Greens
4. Bridge Card
5. Cha Ching
6. Cheddar[
7. And yes, when you think of the words pop bottle, money may come to your mind because once cashed in for the deposit, you will receive cash "money". All these terms, signs or symbols are slang terms for the word money.
That is the same way with symbolic words, phrases, and terminology written in the book of Revelation. You can/might even call these signs or symbols in the book of Revelation, "spiritual slang terms". For instance: False religion is likened to a "harlot" or "prostitute" that commits spiritual fornication with the "kings" or political rulers of the earth. This symbolic fornicatrix gets involved with and meddles in the political affairs of Satan's world, the political entities of the earth. Instead of remaing loyal to God, Jehovah and instead of remaining spiritually clean, "she", the "Great Harlot", is spiritually unclean in God's eye's and from His standpoint........The term "Babylon the Great the World Empire of False Religion" is also applied to all religions, non-Christian and Christedom (All faiths that claim to be worshipers of God and followers of Jesus, but "prove false to the power of holy spirit and God". And who do not obey the "good news about God's Kingdom") The "Great Harlot" that "sits upon many waters" or upon many peoples of the earth wields her powerful influence even over them and their the kings of the earth. All false religion are slated for destruction very soon when the "Great Tribulation" starts (Matthew 24: 21,22).
These are just a couple of terms in the Bible book of Revelation that truly have significant and relevant meaning for our day and time. Understanding the book of Revelation is very urgent because one's future life and personal relationship with God is involved, as well as being granted the underserved kindness and mercy from God to be able to survive the end of this wicked system of things.
Just a further note also. The political and governmental entities are represented by a symbolic "ten horned wild beast"Q
UOTE=Swingalong;1296850]It's because many truly do not understand it, the book of Revelation.[/QUOTE]