Satan is coming to deceive Christians. He isn't coming to deceive the unbeliever. The unbeliever is already his.
If there is a Pre-Trib rapture and the church is gone, how can there be a falling away? Rapturist teach that there will be a huge revival after they are gone. The problem is Paul teaches a huge falling away. Can there really be a huge revival and a huge falling away in such a short time?
Once the Great Tribulation starts and we are all still here, then I could see a big falling away.
If there is a Pre-Trib rapture and the church is gone, how can there be a falling away? Rapturist teach that there will be a huge revival after they are gone. The problem is Paul teaches a huge falling away. Can there really be a huge revival and a huge falling away in such a short time?
Once the Great Tribulation starts and we are all still here, then I could see a big falling away.