The law leads all who believe to the Lamab of Yahweh. Have you never yearned to see an old teaher from a course you really love. Do you not hold dear memories and love for any teacher or professor who took time to insure you learned what you loved so much? If not, you are very different from most avid students. Try thinking about your teachers and professors, and I am certain at least one will stand out as very special, and that in a subject you like.
Yes, the law was our tutor, our teacher, but pointing to Yeshua, we realize we must go on with the knowledge given us by the Law and perfected by Jesus Christ. I feel very bad for anyone who does not possess this realization.
Yes, the law was our tutor, our teacher, but pointing to Yeshua, we realize we must go on with the knowledge given us by the Law and perfected by Jesus Christ. I feel very bad for anyone who does not possess this realization.
The law was that school teacher that lead to Christ, who fulfilled the law as the one who they were to be lead to. The law has no power to impart eternal life. The law cannot forgive or remove sin. The law cannot provide communion for the believer or justify him. The law cannot make a man righteous. The only thing the law can do, which was the purpose it was given, is to make sin exceedingly sinful so that man would be lead to Christ. When sin abounded because of transgression, grace abounded much more that we might have life through Christ.
The law was weak through the flesh, but God sending his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh condemned sin in his flesh. The law condemned the person for transgressions but Christ condemned the sin the law revealed with his own flesh on the cross. This is why we are not under the law but under grace because Christ condemned sin in his flesh. The Spirit now convicts the heart of sin above what the law could ever do. Any righteousness that God would impute or impart to the believer is not based upon the letter of the law but upon the Spirit of life.
The law was weak through the flesh, but God sending his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh condemned sin in his flesh. The law condemned the person for transgressions but Christ condemned the sin the law revealed with his own flesh on the cross. This is why we are not under the law but under grace because Christ condemned sin in his flesh. The Spirit now convicts the heart of sin above what the law could ever do. Any righteousness that God would impute or impart to the believer is not based upon the letter of the law but upon the Spirit of life.