Cipher's thread is not speaking about a 'break-up,' Hisservantstriker, it's speaking about a hopeless state of singleness that IS God's plan for a single person's life. He's saying to just quit thinking about being single, it's happening. Go to God. Good, this is good thought. We should go to God and not placate our thoughts with constant debbie downer thoughts of our singleness.
That something good said in this thread, but, there's more to be said, and, so, the Lord leads, I hope and pray.
I speak in love, cipher, just let me know if I'm wanted to re-explain things. No problem.
Listen up, brothers and sisters ! Ye who have ears HEAR what the Lord's leading me to say now, I sure pray, anyway, that these words discipline and rebuke and correct as He intends.
I understand shobro's words, perfectly, and, so well said. Why God used him as a martyr vessel here, I don't know. Again, the Lord leads, and, shobro's suffered from this thread. For His sake. So may I. The Lord leads .
Many, not all, but, many singles feel God's disappointed them because He didn't/doesn't get them a gf/bf, and, thus, eventually, married off. But, that's them (that person) not trusting in Him, isn't it? God knows our hearts, God knows our hurts, that's the important thing to know, God knows us better than we know us. He knows what's best in life for us ,too.
ALL our life, He knows... "For I know the plans i have FOR YOU. Plans for good and not calamity (evil)...." (Jer. 29:11)
And, the more and more we put our lives into the spiritual things, for our destiny, and away from the Earthly things of this world's destiny of death Satan wants for us, the more we grow in Him. The more we LEAVE crucifying singleness thoughts behind, like singleness hopelessness as God's plan for our life, the more we learn He has GOOD plans for us as singles.
As the bible tells us we should do--in Hebrews and other places--we become more like our Christ when we supplant Earthly with spiritual things. And, this, certainly, applies to singles. When we believe that He not only died for us, suffered and died, but, that through faith, He wants us to crucify ourselves so that we might have LIFE!, we get LIFE! Pure and simple.
Earthly things, things of the flesh, bring on pain. Hey! Let's not kid ourselves, the bible tells us, thoughts of the flesh lead to sin of the flesh lead to DEATH !! James 1 tells us this. Go read it.
Romans 8:6 doesn't lie, does it?
"The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace."
If Christ, His Spirit IS in your heart, you know, IF He is ruling YOUR singleness, then, hopeless thoughts aren't an issue, are they
8:9 speaks of who is REALLY in you. The Devil? Or, Him. Him=God. Him=Holy Spirit, Him=Jesus.
You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.
Doesn't the Spirit of God live in you?
Spirit=Holy Spirit. Romans 8:14 is a good verse to understand how IMPORTANT it is to let His Spirit lead you spiritually, lead YOUR spirit
"As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons (and daughters) of God."
ciphercat ? You spoke grimly of an Earthly-things condition of a Christian, but, the spiritual-things Christian does not DWELL, for even a second, on those singleness hopelessness feelings that shobro fought against in his bold post and refutation to you.
THAT is what shobro was standing against, and, he stood perfectly! Not sure what his apology to you was for, except a nice gesture of love.
But, yeah, the Lord leads, and, He led shobro to let you and anyone else who would listen KNOW that his Saviour NEVER has him stay on those feelings of singleness hoplelessness.
Shobro is RIGHT! His salvation and hope is in Christ, therefore, sulking in his singleness is something that he's choosing not to do. Me either
Might be why he left c.c.; he didn't want to 'fight' YOUR 'cryptic condition' thread. But, as I AM leads, I am led to fight, in love.
You see, cipher, and, before I go on, I don't understand your pornography problem if you're His. I mean, you are NOT putting your trust FULLY in Christ to lead your life if you're enslaved by that sin. Give it to Him. 1 John 1:9
Confess! He is faithful to 'cleanse.'
Sure, you do it. I get that. Your human, it's all around you/us, but, you don' t have to let those slip-ups be a part of you. And, your spiritual temperature will change as you give THAT part of your Earthly being more and more to God, bro, in exchange for spiritual
Earthly to spiritual ! Get it ?
Get into God, and, GET over it, seriously. Go drop kick your t.v., even your internet IF you have to. God, sometimes, doesn't just say 'poof' and no more smoking or whatever, He wants us to get rid of what is against Him, and, in more ways than just pornography or whatever watching. IT could just be Law and Order re-runs or ??? YOUR idols. God wants them gone !!
How do I get rid of things like this, green?
By just what I said ! Getting away from the Earthly things and getting to the spiritual things. Why do you have to let pornography 'slip' into your life? YOUR flesh lets it ! You don't have to, God's given you the power of Himself within you to be DELIVERED from it ! That's your brain you're listening to tell you that you 'slip' up, that's The Devil working you over, bro.
What can we do instead, green?
By putting yourself (and your daughter) in spiritual things more and more in your life you will freed from all the other stuff, in His 'due time,' but, YOU WILL
Christian chat is a good place to be but IF you're being led (by your flesh) to 'slip' into pornography viewing while on the 'net, then, get off. NOW!!!!!!! Pray for God's answers, I don't know them. But, good news! He does. GET into The Word too, it's His
You see, cipher, brother, the spiritual condition of the Christian is just as shobro said, it's IN CHRIST, but, it MUST be devoted, hopelessly devoted, to Him, not to Sandra Dee or whoever girl thinking or watching, whatever, that's DUMB, ucky, gooey,sticky, smelly. Greasy!!
Sure, like zaoofmen said, God doesn't promise we, Christians, a rose garden, unless that rose garden has thorns that we have to move amongst!!! There's ALWAYS something going to be something tempting/laboring going on in our lives, like Genesis 3 says there will be! And ,single, married, it don't matter, it's your CHOICE to be delivered from the dismal, dreary road of nothing-but-deathedness view that cipher says in this thread.
Extricate yourself from the muck by your relationship with Christ and you will be moving toward less and less hurt feelings of things because you understand God's feelings of you about those 'things.'
Did you understand that cipher? Because I don't mind repeating myself
And, oh, I'm not saying that I've been free of pornography my life, I've not. But, I've NEVER been free of my Saviour, and, one day, when I was 23, I asked Him to deliver me from it. And, guess what? He did!!!!!
Go down to your church's altar 20 or so times every Sunday for 6 months if you have to, get rid of every stinking, burdening, sinful, lustful, slaving thought that takes you from Him ! I did !!! God WILL prompt you, your spirit will be led by His Spirit, just will. Go.
So, quit talking about pornography slip-ups, it's just The Devil's way to foothold you and step on your ankles, trying to bend them downward until the bones snap!!!!!!!! Freeze you in your "sorry singleness," that's what he'll say, too. Not me. He
Satan will, indeed, IF you let that snake, keep you mired in your flesh. He'll cripple ya. Heck, the more you stay with him and flesh entertain your life, you'll be paralyZed soon enough
Christ is different to be walking with, isn't He, cipher
Ahhh, refreshing, correcting, disciplining, even, but, yeah, REFRESHING! Uplifting. Humbling. Helping
Sometimes help hurts, too, you know, ciph, buddy .
So let those drab singleness feelings either deafen and defeat you or call on God and He WILL WALK you more and more toward spiritual things in your life. To victory! In Jesus!
Don't let Satan have a foothold on your FLESH, for it will become a stranglehold, and, mark these words, you will DIE !!!
And, don't tell me you don't feel this way, because, IF you/I have really accepted Christ in your life, (and you have, right?)and, are a Christian, by belief, and, faith, and, seen Christ work His miracles of grace/mercy in your/our life (and you have! Right?) then you/I/Christians KNOW that Christ's Love for US was done on the cross by the grace of God. He has freed US, from sin, from death, so ex out porn by that admission and confession, IN THE NAME OF JESUS, be healed.
Christ freed us from having to think the debillitating, ugly, depressing thoughts of 'Whoa is me. I'm never going to get married. I'm just going to suffer my whole life in singleness.'
God will NOT have you think that crushing way to YOUR spirit that He has His Holy Spirit in to "comfort" us, as YOU said in an earlier post.
Gone!!!!!!!!!! Those UNspiritual and EARTHLY grinding thoughts? Gone
If Christ says, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee,' what does that say to you?
This verse, in Hebrews, should say that your Saviour will ALWAYS be by your side, not to mention, inside you, abiding in you, with you, living.
As a single person, we should NEVER give up on Him, our hope of life evermore is found in Him, in His promise.
And, good news, again, it WILL be JOYOUS for, we, whose confidence is in Christ in THIS singleness life, having eradicated all the lousy feelings from words of cipher's thread here, by the blood of Jesus, by hope in Him; they GO out the door, kicked, stepped on, deadened, gone. Because why, green?
Because we are hopelessly devoted to KEEPING Him in our heart, in our soul, He'll be our friend 'til we grow old and die and be with Him, singleness or marriedness, it just doesn't matter, we who KNOW we are His, are His forevermore, from re-birth to death to life evermore, His