Really, all this talk just proves my point. Women are used by God today. Sure, it's not how you see it biblically. Fine!
Like I told, Philly, it's silly to play God.
People make mistakes all the time, 100s of women pastors quite possibly prove that true, depending on if you believe that 1 Tim. 2:12, and, of course 1 Cor. 14 DOES speak of women who are WIVES of husbands, but, if you believe 1 Tim. 2:12 speaks of WIVES, too, who are CHILDBEARING, then, a woman who comes along and is used by God to PASTOR a church will make sense to you being DIFFERENT, an EXCEPTION to the rule of WHO is teaching and preaching authority over men.
Makes sense to me. I'm not going to go and condemn women for being pastors and teachers in churches because God's using them in that role NOW. Silly to fight God's CURRENT will for that person's life. Just silly, philly. So the bible says what it says to you. Good. Great. And, so what?
Simple observation shows that MANY women today pastor churches and are producing GOOD FRUIT. Simple example? Sure, Joseph talking to his brothers who put him in a pit, sold him to be a slave, speaking of slave, since you want to talk that word on here, illogically, at that.
But, what did Joseph say, crying with his 12 brothers all huddled together with him as Joseph was 2nd in charge in Egypt at this time, "What you intended for evil God MADE OUT to be GOOD."
So. Be careful. Sure, Scripture says what it says, but, God, knows we humans are ALL imperFeCt and makes 'lemonade' out of the 'lemon' decisions of our life. Not being too sour, not to mention, dour, with you all, male chauvinists on here, I hope and pray