Working with abused women is a needed ministry. Unfortunately, much of the social work with abused women is done by radical feminists with a very toxic attitude towards men. In some cases, a lot of damage to society is done in the name of not abusing women. Here locally, an organization whose name has something to do with being against abusing women fought against doing away with laws that basically give parental rights to the mother in almost every case of divorce and turn the father into a visitor in the child's life. Politicians and other people are like, "Hey, I'm against abusing women, too." so they back off. The law is unfair and damaging to children.
You've got your own set of experiences and your own backgrounds. Maybe you've had a bad experience with a man or men. Don't project that onto other men. You seem to have a hair trigger. But you've got to stop reading 'abuse' into everything. Accusing a man of wife beating is like accusing a woman of being a whore. It's several notches down from accusing someone of being a child molester. To do something like that based on no evidence like you did is very low class. You need to repent. If you are hanging out with man-haters who think it's okay to do that, you need to consider who you are hanging around with, because it can influence your thinking. You can also do a lot of damage to others, and even yourself going around making accusations like that. A reasonable thing to do would be to humble a little and apologize, and be reconciled to your brother like Matthew 5 says. I'm willing to let by-gones be by-gones. I've said things I've regretted before. If you want to stick to your guns and keep justifying yourself, I'm just asking the Lord to correct you. It's easier and better, though, to settle matters quickly.
You've got your own set of experiences and your own backgrounds. Maybe you've had a bad experience with a man or men. Don't project that onto other men. You seem to have a hair trigger. But you've got to stop reading 'abuse' into everything. Accusing a man of wife beating is like accusing a woman of being a whore. It's several notches down from accusing someone of being a child molester. To do something like that based on no evidence like you did is very low class. You need to repent. If you are hanging out with man-haters who think it's okay to do that, you need to consider who you are hanging around with, because it can influence your thinking. You can also do a lot of damage to others, and even yourself going around making accusations like that. A reasonable thing to do would be to humble a little and apologize, and be reconciled to your brother like Matthew 5 says. I'm willing to let by-gones be by-gones. I've said things I've regretted before. If you want to stick to your guns and keep justifying yourself, I'm just asking the Lord to correct you. It's easier and better, though, to settle matters quickly.
Because the majority of abuse goes un reported, it's hard to get a good estimate. But most statistics put the percentage of women in the church who suffer abuse between 25-33%. The most conservative numbers are 15% which us still almost 1 out of every six. I'm not some rogue feminist seeing an abuser behind every tree; this is a very real problem. No abuser ever sees himself/herself as such. And the words you use are the same ones used by abusers to justify their actions.
If it quacks like a duck . . .