You are wrong.There is.Its not easy to see.I belong to a Church where Ministry people lead consecrated lives.Its not catholic.The Fellowship i was born in was started by a young man many decades back by listening to direct Voice of Jesus.It's a Holy Spirit filled Apostolic calling,they lead.Even in that,there are many faults.But that doesn't mean people who genuinely seek God there will be punished,be it believers or people in the consecrated ministry.
If you didn't find anything wrong,it's ok.But if you observe and question more you will realize the problems inside there(aog) too.If people have been called out,then you need to verify what they say with what you see.That doesn't mean that you should come out.You need to Pray to God and verify things.He will bring you out if there is a need.Even with all my problems,i do attend the fellowship i was born in.I sometimes feel that its going to soon become the future version of something like catholic.Everything there is becoming very formal nowadays.When they say something and do,i check it with Holy Scripture.So i don't have to fall more than i am already struggling.
If i see something wrong i walk away.If God gives me a burden i speak about it and against it.If not i silently walk away and give others useful directions.So far i find myself wrong in many things than them.
One thing i will tell you,you have to keenly observe whether there are literal occult members in aog.There is no problem in verifying everything with God.He is not man.And there all anxieties stop.
God Bless